I'm Pregnant

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Holy shit, two lines. I felt all the air in my lungs getting knocked out. I dropped the test on the floor and sat down onnthe edge of the bathtub.

I am going to become a mother, and Alex is going to be a dad... we are starting a family. I don't know if I'm ready, what if Alex doesn't want it?

I mean I am 27 and Alex is 34, now would be a good time to get kids if we would want them but we haven't really had that talk yet.

How did I even get pregnant? I'm on birth control, did I miss it?

I had been feeling nauseous and have been throwing up every morning for the last two weeks. I talked to Y/b/f and she/he told me to take a test just in case, so I did. And now here I am.

I gathered myself for a few minutes, feeling completely numb I didn't know how to react. Should I be happy? Sad? Disappointed? Exited? It was all so confusing.

I sighed and leaned down to pick up the test from the floor. I looked myself in the bathroom mirror and saw that I looked incredibely pale. I quickly splashed som cold water over my face and then dried it off. Here comes the tricky part.

Telling Alex...

I know that he was in his home studio writing some songs. It was just in the other room.

I stuffed the pregnancy test into my hoodie pocket and took a deep breath before opening up the bathroom door, and walking into out bedroom.

Should I just tell him now or should I wait until I've been to the doctor?

No, I'm a terrible liar and I have no idea when I would get an apointment...

I slowly made my way out of our bedroom and down the hallway. I reached his studio and I heard humming comming from the other side of the closed door. I didn't want to interrupt so I waited until his humming stopped for a few seconds. I knocked on the door, "Alex?" I almost whispered.

"Come in," he said and I turned the door know pushing the door open. There he was sitting on his desk chair in his sweats. He looked adorable, his hair messed up because of all the times his fingers had run through it, his lazy smile because of how tired he was, his slouched posture that he had developed since starting writing this song three hours ago.

"Hey," I said walking over to him. I stood next to his chair and looked down at his notes, "How's it going?" I asked.

He looked up at me and wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me down to sit onis lap, I tensed because of my fear of him feeling the test while holding.

"Woah, you're tense," Alex said and he let go of my waist and started massaging my shoulders. I rolled my head back, enjoying it. "But it's going pretty good, I got the two first verses down so far," he said while massaging me.

"Can I hear some of it?" I asked in need of something calming and judging by the text that I got to read I felt like this was going to be a calm song.

Alex stopped massaging me and kissed my shoulder blade over the fabric, "Of course," he said and I got off his lap and sat down on the floor next to his chair. This was nothing new it became a tradition for me to sit on the floor in front of him when he showed me new songs. He reached for his guitar and pulled the notes closer to himself. He started strumming the guitar and I smiled.

"Baby, I'm yours" he started singing, smiling at me. "And I'll be yours until the stars fall from the sky," I closed my eyes enjoying his raw voice. "Yours until the rivers all run dry. In other words, until I die," he finished the first verse.

I opened my eyes to find him staring at me while playing the guitar. "Baby, I'm yours. And I'll be yours until the sun no longer shines. Yours until the poets run out of rhyme," he playfully kicked my thigh with a cheeky smile and I giggled. "In other words, until the end of time," he finished and I stood up and grabbed the guitar, placing it on the ground. I sat back down in his lap with both legs on either side of him.

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