~Chapter one~

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Gary and I were walking in the town of New York City on the date of March 15th,1895. We had just went out to buy me a dress from Lilliana's a very expensive store for his older sisters marriage to Sir Fredrick of Lowland. He asked me to go with him since we were in a courtship.
"Gary do you like the dress" i asked as we walked down the street. He just nodded staring off. "Gary?" I look towards the direction he was to see a boy about my age sitting there staring back at us. I waved as we walked by, after we walked in silence  he stopped.
"Don't ever talk to him again!" Gary yelled
" I..I didn't Gary I- waved" I stuttered "who was that anyway is he a threat" I ask "a threat to your dads company?" I asked
"No he's a waste to be honest I don't understand why he has not been thrown into jail, he is a horrible man" Gary looked back to make sure the man wasn't following us.
"Who is he?"
"People call him 'The Black-eyed Boy"
"His eyes are black!?" I asked quietly
"No one knows" he quickly pulled me aside "no one has gotten close enough to tell, but he has a bad reputation"
"For killing his sister!"
I stepped back from Gary to look back at the lonely boy sitting at the corner of the store where he had gotten food.
As Gary and I walked to my house I thought about how his eyes were clearly blue even if I had seen him from across the street I still could tell. Maybe no one cared about the truth maybe only the rumor.
Later that night my older brothers and I were sitting in the living room with ma and pa for tea when Garfield brought up "The Black-eyed boy",
"I saw the boy sitting aline so i kicked a empty can at him" he said laughing as Hayden grinned sipping his tea. I frowned as i saw my older brothers make fun of the boy which made my mom raise an eyebrow
"Alice what is the matter?" She asked changing the mood of the room.
"Well mother i just don't believe we should be making fun of the boy if we don't understand the full story" I look straight at my brothers who stared back.
"Oh Alice" my mother looked disappointed at me "he has done bad" 
"I know but..."
"Alice..." my father started " i know you feel bad but you have to know that all people feel different about the situation so Garfield has the right to feel that way towards the boy"
"But it is wrong" i explained
My father nodded and stood up as he did he said "It is" then he left.
After that Garfield was embarrassed for disagreeing with father but instead of blaming his self he blamed me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2020 ⏰

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