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"What do you want to drink?" Hank shouts over the music, and I yell for a beer. I walk into the bar and join everyone celebrating. Our win was something not even to be proud of; we crushed them. They scored once, and it was a field goal. We, on the other hand, were almost in triple digits.

"How are you feeling?" Joe asks, my shoulders shrugging. I came out of the game around the middle of the third quarter. We put third string in, simply because of how shitty the other team was.

"Not too bad. Can't complain," I explain, then we start talking about some of the plays. There were quite a few good ones in the beginning, but it slowly turned to almost boredom when we weren't even challenged anymore.

A few other guys from the team come over and we talk, and I begin to feel distracted. I hope I find Lexi amidst what feels like hundreds of students in the bar.

My eyes scan the entire room at least twenty times before I finally find the short redhead at the back of the bar, talking with her friends. I chuck the beer on the bar and walk over, shoving anyone in my way out of it.

I feel as if I'm on the prowl, literally pushing people as I make my way towards Lexi. She's been the only thing really on my mind the minute I got back to the locker room after talking with a few of my teammates, as well as my parents.

When I reach her, her friends part their lips and she turns around, her heels not doing anything for her height. She's still short, just below my chin now.

Her brown eyes look up to me and smile covers over her lips.

"Judd," she grins, and I take her hand. Her fingers fit into my hand and she holds it, her smooth skin contrasting the roughness of mine.

"She's mine now," I tell her friends and they smile at her. I don't care what they think; I take what I want.

Lexi doesn't seem to mind even, and I'm curious if she's told them about our text conversation. I'm sure she has; I know friends do that kind of stuff.

I tug Lexi closer to me, her hand holding mine back. Her smile is bright and I'm damn near on edge with how much this girl seems to be playing me.

"You toy with me woman and I'm sick of it," I tell her, and she smiles. But she surprises me by not saying a word but rather reaching up to grab my face. I easily comply as she pulls me down, pressing her lips on mine. I wrap my arms around her to lift her, not wanting to crouch as I kiss her back.

Her slim body is easy to hold in my arms, and as I kiss her, I don't pay any attention to the room around me. All I care about is the fact I actually got her attention. Her head draws back slightly and she looks at me, a lazy smile playing on her plump lips.

"Good thing I made you work for it," she smirks, leaning down and grabbing my lower lip between her teeth. Jesus Christ, was she worth this little game she played.

I set her down and she leans her back against the bar, her body surrounded by mine as I rest my hands on the bar behind her.

"Can I ask you a question?" I ask her, her doe eyes looking up at me. She nods, taking a sip of her drink as she does so.

"Why did you do this?" Her lips curve into a soft smile and she reaches her hand out, grabbing my waist.

"I didn't mean for it to be taken so far. My friends and I were curious if you were actually interested in me or not, so I was seeing if I played hard to get, if you'd actually go for me," she explains, my teeth biting my tongue as I listen.

I'm personally not a fan of the logic, but it managed to get me interested. In all fairness, her plan worked.

"You had me pretty pissed off there for a while," I tell her, and she sighs.

"I noticed, which why I gave you my number. I felt like I was going too far," she elaborates, my head nodding. I run my fingers through my hair and bite my lower lip, not necessarily knowing what to do. I suck when it comes to girls.

"Do you actually have any interest in me or was this a game?" I wonder, wanting to make sure I'm not being led on. I find Lexi insanely attractive; beautiful, and I'd be damned if I get strung along.

She sets her drink on the bar and looks up at me, her head tilting so she can look at my face.

"Judd, I think you're really cute, and I feel like shit that I haven't really gotten to know you. So, if the offer still stands, I'd love to go out with you some time," she tells me, my heart beating so fast that I can literally feel it in my chest. She takes my hand in hers again and I nod, making her smile appear on her lips once more.

"I don't do this a lot," I tell her, her arm moving so she can wrap it around my waist.

"Go out, or talk to girls?" she asks, my arm moving to rest over her shoulders. Her body is pressed to mine, fitting perfectly under my arm.

"I go out a lot but I usually just hang around the guys. I haven't dated all that much," I explain, her head giving me a small nod.

"If it helps, I'm not much for going out. So I get it," she tells me, and pull her in a little tighter. I feel as if it's just the two of us right now, having our own conversation in private amidst the plethora of people in the bar.

I like the feeling. 

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