Chapter 3 《Chaotic day with Hawks》

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It was the next morning and you awoke to a throbbing pain in your head. Ignoring the pain you sat up from where you were just laying and proceeded to stretch your limbs. As you stretched you could feel and hear your joints popping from the hours of rest you had.

It was only after you finished stretching that you realized you still had Hawks jacket from when he had given it to you last night.

'I see why he wears this now. It's pretty comfy, gotta make sure to wash it and return it to him' you thought to yourself as you took it off and placed it on the couch.

Still exhausted and groggy something about your house didn't sit right. You could sense the presence of someone in you house because of the feathers you had laying around but there was also the smell of eggs and bacon?

You had to admit, it smelt good because the last time you ate you were rudely interrupted. However the unknown presence made you a little uneasy.

Looking around the house you notice a silhouette in you kitchen. Quickly you sent out a couple of feathers sharpening them and pining whoever it was to your kitchen wall. From the living room where you stood you could hear a slight grunt from the kitchen.

You walked towards the wall where you had pinned the person, expecting to see a burglar or so, you were ready to take them out. To your surprise it was Hawks, still in his hero costume minus his jacket and he had food placed out on the counter.

Your eyes widen while Hawks looked at you and gave you an awkward smile. His body was tense and you could see a sweat drop coming down his face, not from cooking but from how he was pinned to the wall.

"Uh.. good morning, looks like you slept well. Could you... maybe release me?" He asked with a slight quiver in his voice.

The feathers you had sent pinned his arms and legs to the wall, but there was one feather in particular which made him tense up. That feather being right between his legs just slightly below his manhood.

You had a look of skepticism but you softened the feathers around him and retrieved them back to you.

"What are you doing in my house?" You asked while helping him regain his balance from the wall.

"I..uh.. passed out after bring you back and I also wanted to stay incase you started bleeding or was in pain" Hawks said while scratching the back of his neck giving you a nervous smile.

You just stared at him a little shocked to say the least, no one has ever really cared for you ever since your grandparents passed away a few years ago.

Still in a daze and staring at Hawks, he was a little worried about you since you haven't moved from your spot. Walking over towards you he waved his hand in front of your face trying to get your attention, "you okay there?" Snapping out of your thoughts you realize you've been staring at him.

Giving him an apologetic smile you walked over to your fridge to grab some drinks, " thanks... also sorry about pinning you to the wall"

"Its alright, I'm just glad you didn't aim any higher" he said jokingly to you, "anyways I made some breakfast"

You turned around from your fridge with 2 drinks in hand and handed one to Hawks while he handed you a plate of food. You took the plate but looked at it and back at Hawks with a questioning look, "Well if you would've said something that probably wouldn't have happened"

Hawks looked at you while stuffing his mouth, "I heard shuffling and was going to say something but before I could I was already pinned to the wall and yes, I can cook"

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