We found you

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(After a long day of adventuring, the sleepy boys are heading back home. That is until Techno spots a young boy in a box.)

(Techno: 16
Wilbur: 19
Tommy: 7
Tubbo: 6)

Trigger warning: talk of an abandoned child and impaled child neglect


"Phil?" Techno says, his eyes staring out the car window, locked on something in particular.

"Hm?" Phil responded.

"There's a kid in that box over there."

Phil looked up and stared out his window, trying to see where the box was. Then, he saw it. A small brown cardboard box with the word "Tubbo" written on it with black marker. Phil could also see the brown hair of the kid who was in the box.

His heart broke. Luckily, they were parked. Phil turned the keys, turning the car off, not taking his eyes off the box. He unbuckle his seatbelt.

"Everyone, stay in the car. I'll be right back." He said, opening the door and closing it behind him.

"What is he gonna do?" Wilbur spoke up.

"I dunno, probably take him somewhere safe."

"New brother?" Tommy's soft voice spoke up. His eyes looked up at Techno, they were full of hope.

"Maybe, we'll see." Techno responded to his brother, looking out the car window once more.

Phil walked over to the box, careful not to step on any broken glass that was in the area. 'Jeez,' He thought. 'Leave your kid alone, and in an area with broken glass.'

He peered into the box, taking a look at the boy. The little boy had looked up at Phil and smiled, crumbs falling down his face as he did. Phil looked at the cookie packet next to the boy and sighed in disappointment, making the unknown kid frown.

"Hello there." Phil said.


"What's your name?"

"Tubbo. I'm six." He spoke, holding up six fingers to let Phil know that he was in fact six.

"Hello, Tubbo. I'm Phil. Do you know where your mommy and daddy are?"

Tubbo shook his head before remembering something. He grabbed a note from his hoodie pocket and handed it to the older. He took it and careful opened the note.

'Due to unfortunate circumstances, I cannot take of my son. Please don't try to find me. His name is Tubbo, he's six. He's a sweet little boy, please take care of him.'

Phil looked up at the boy, who had taken another cookie from the package and shoved it in his mouth. He looked back at the car where his boys were, then looked back at Tubbo. 'Fuck it.' He thought. He picked up the young boy, securing him in his arms before walking back to the car.

He opened the door, "Everyone, meet Tubbo."

He let Tubbo down on the floorboard, letting him see everyone. Wilbur was the first to great him. He held out his hand, which Tubbo gladly took and shook it. Next was Techno, who just ruffled the kid's dirty knotted hair.

Then, there was Tommy. Now, Tommy was only seven but for as long as he could remember, he wanted a baby brother. He hated the way his big brothers got to go out with their friends and party while Tommy was stuck at home with Phil. But now, Tubbo was here.

Techno unbuckled Tommy so he could stand. Tommy, not taking his eyes off the younger, stood up and walked over to him, his eyes big. He smiled once he was close enough to the boy. He held out his hand.

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