Part 3

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"I'm nervous." I whined, putting Kathleen's duffle bag in my closet. I walked back into the kitchen, pouring myself a shot of honey Jack, throwing it back like a champ.
"Babe, I am too, but I'm not drinking like an addict." She sighed, sipping her lemonade. I narrowed my eyes, looking at her flushed face.
"Let me see that lemonade." I smirked. She rolled her eyes, shaking her head.
"Get your own, fatty." She snorted and laughed as I started to tickle her. I grabbed the cup ad sipped it, my eyes widening.
"You naughty girl!" I exclaimed, slapping her ass. She yelped, giggling as she ran away, into the bedroom. I run after her, tackling her on the bed. She's laying on her stomach, laughing her head off but stopped as I lifted her skirt up.
"You're a bad girl, lying to me about drinking." I hiccuped, feeling the alcohol working its magic. She whimpered as I bit down on her ass cheek, leaving a mark. I massaged it with my hands, her white skin turning a purplish color from the slap I gave her in the kitchen.
"You're lucky we have to set up, or I would've taken you right now." I sighed, standing up off the bed. She groaned, standing up and fixing her skirt.
"Ugh, fùck you, I'm all flustered." She whined, pouting. I giggled.
"Shut up, you'll live." I kissed her pouting lips and walked into the bathroom. I heard music fill the house and foil unwrapping in the kitchen. I pulled my hair into a tight ponytail, the shaped up edges exposed. I brushed them down and put on a pink headband, hiding them. I walk into my room and throw on a white tank top and pink khaki shorts, I tucked in the tank and slipped on my white converses and sprayed some perfume on. I walked into the kitchen and saw Kathleen setting up the counter, neatly. We cooked at her place before coming over here.
"Everything looks good, babygirl." I smiled, kissing her hair. She hummed, popping a piece of a pineapple in her mouth. I bit the piece that hung out her mouth and walked to the balcony, fixing the chairs and the grill in the center, starting it up. Then the bell rang. My stomach filled with butterflies as I walked to the door, Kathleen by my side. I opened it and a woman with the most beautiful caramel colored hair stands there in a sun dress. Her eyes are like Kathleen's, a silver blue color. I can see where Kathleen got her beauty from. A man with short blonde hair stands next to her. He's about my height and muscular.
"Good afternoon, come in come in." I smile. They both walk in, and a timid looking girl, about nineteen walks right behind them.
"Hey mom, hey dad. This is Annamarie." Kathleen smiled brightly, rubbing my back. Her mother pulls me into a tight hug.
"It's so nice to meet you." She pulls back, grinning, looking just like her daughter.
"It's great to meet you too, Mrs. Lara. You've raised a wonderful daughter, and might I say, you both look identical." I laughed nervously. She laughed loudly.
"Oh please, call me Delores, Mrs. Lara is my mother in law. This here is Pete, my husband." I turn to the muscular man. He grips my hand, smiling.
Oh, that's where she gets that smile from.
"Don't mind my wife, she's a little excited and maybe a little drunk." He chuckles. I laugh and shake his hand, before grabbing Kathleen's.
"Here, come let me show you around." I said, looking at Kathleen. She kissed my cheek and walked to the kitchen. I showed them the living room, the bathroom and the balcony. They sat down next to each other and I poured them each a drink.
"Feel free to ask anything, or for anything. My home is open to you." I smiled widely.
"Thank you, sweet child. Kathleen's cousin, Sofie is here, if you don't mind." Delores smiled.
"I don't mind." I grinned. I walked into the kitchen and saw Sofie and Kathleen talking, smiling at each other.
"Hey, beautiful." I smiled, sliding next to Kathleen. She smiled at me before looking at the blender.
"Hey, I'm Annamarie, and you're Sofie?" I held out my hand, smiling. The girl had deep gray eyes, her dark hair in a messy bun. She shook my hand, grinning at me.
"It's a pleasure to meet you." She smiled, her slight British accent slipping out through her american. I was taken aback, but sobered up.
"If you need anything, you can ask your cousin and I." I smiled. She nodded and walked to the balcony, sitting next to her uncle.
"She's British?" I asked Kathleen. She laughed.
"Yes. She was adopted by my mother's sister and her husband. She's like a little sister to me." Kathleen answered. I kissed her lips, but she deepened the kiss. I pulled back and saw her mother watching, a big smile on her face.
"Your mother seems happy for you." I said.
"She is. She's my best friend." Kathleen smiled. I kissed her forehead.
"You look beautiful today." I whispered in her ear. She's wearing a red tennis skirt and a white t-shirt. Her hair is in a messy bun and her feet are in white flats, matching my sneakers. No makeup on her face except my cherry Chapstick. She's a beautiful sight.
"You're beautiful." She whispered, mixing the frosting to the pineapple cake she's making. Then the bell rang. I let out a breath.
'Im doing this for Kathleen' I repeat in my head as I walk to the door. I open it and the first thing I see is him. Fresh haircut, his dark face, his hazel eyes. Him him him, and I'm a spitting image. He stares at my tattoos for a bit, before looking me over. He smirks that knowing smirk and bile fills my throat.
"Hello, father." I swallow.
"Hi, Annie." He calls me by my childhood name. He kisses me on the cheek, the stubble on his jaw rubbing against my face. He walks in and I look down at my mother. She's really short.
"Hi, mom." I smile. I bend and hug her 5'1 figure.
"Hi, my sweet daughter. I missed you. You look so good." She smiles wide, tears in her eyes.
"Don't cry mom." I smile, kissing her cheek. She walks in and I see my sister with a very large belly, and a man standing next to her. My heart cracks a bit.
"Hey, sara." I force a smile as I stare at her belly, then her face. Im going to be an aunt?
"Hey, little sis." She smiles. They both walk in and I close the door, breathing slowly. Then I opened them, seeing Kathleen by my side.
"It's gonna be okay. Come on." She grabs my hand and I calm down. I walk up to my family.
"This is Kathleen, my girlfriend." I look my father straight in the eye.
"Hi it's a pleasure to meet you all." My mother hugged her, and my sister shook her hand. My father stared, before taking her hand in his.
"Pleasure to meet you, too." He smiled his disgusting smile.
I look at Kathleen, smiling a small smile. Her eyes were filled with concern.
"I'll go show them the balcony, okay?" I kissed her hand and she nodded. I showed my family around before showing them to the balcony.
"Those are Kathleen's parents. Please be kind." I begged. Sara and that guy stayed near me as my parents walked into the balcony.
"Annie, this is Jake, my fiancé." Sara smiled, slowly. I internally beg myself not to snap both their necks as I shook his hand.
"Im Annamarie. Pleasure to meet you. You may go to the balcony. Feel free to ask for anything." I forced a smile. He nodded and walked to the balcony.
"When did all this happen? When was I supposed to know all this?" I asked, shakily.
"Annie, please calm down. It all happened so quick. I met him a year after you left for college and we've been together. Im sorry I didn't tell you about any of it." She sighed.
"He proposed in January on New Years and then we learned I was pregnant a few weeks after and-" I interrupted her before she could finish.
"It's fine, really. Don't worry about it." I smiled. Sara smiled back.
"Your girlfriend is beautiful. And so are these tattoos. Don't let dad ruin your day, today, okay? I know what he said when you were seventeen but it's okay." She rubbed my back. She doesn't know the half of what happened, but I just nod my head and lead my very pregnant sister to the balcony. I walked into the kitchen, shaking to the point of me looking like a crack addict.
"Hey, hey calm down. What's wrong, what's wrong?" She asked me, grabbing my hand and pulling me into the main bathroom. I put my head on her shoulder and she rubbed my back.
"My sister is pregnant and engaged and never told me, my father is here and ugh. Im sorry." I moaned into her ear. She pulled back.
"I felt something going on between you and your father. Would you like to talk about it, later on?, Hm?" She asked, kissing my shoulder. I nodded. Maybe it's time to get it off my chest.
"Don't let him ruin anything today, okay?" She asked.
"Okay." I smiled, calming down. She kissed me softly, then opened the door.
"Come, help me take these things outside so we can eat. The cake is in the oven. I put the meats on the grill already so they are ready by now." She said. Such an organized cutie.
"Stop staring with those beautiful eyes and take these." She handed me a platter filled with fruits. I walked outside and put them on the table, and Kathleen brought out plates and cups. I took the meats off the grill and put them on the table.
After we put everything out, we all dug in. Kathleen sat next to me on the swing I have and we ate and swung, laughing as our families told different stories and memories. My father stared at me and I cleared my throat, looking down at my plate. Everyone roared with laughter from something my mom said, and I laughed along, breathing out as I felt Kathleen's hand running up and down my back.
"So jake and I thought of a date for our wedding. We decided it be a year after our baby boy is born, in late September. We thought about September 20th. And we want you all to come. I would like Annie to be my maid of honor." Sara announced. I nodded, standing up to hug her. Everyone clapped and I pulled back, sitting back in my seat. Kathleen kissed my cheek.
"I'm gonna be a horrible maid of honor, unless you help me." I smiled at her. She nodded, looking down at my lips. I Eskimo kissed her, before giving her a quick peck and pulling back. She pushed her hand under my shirt, and rubbed my back as we swung. It feels good to have her fingers on my skin.
"Would anyone like some wine?" I asked. Everyone except sara and Sofie agreed. I kissed Kathleen's cheek and walked into the house, grabbing a pitcher of lemonade and a bottle of wine, when I smelt him.
"That's a beautiful girl you have out there. She would definitely fit as one of the Baldwin brothers daughters." He said. I moved as far away from him as I could and placed the drinks in an icebox that has beer and other beverages in it.
"Yeah well, she's my girlfriend, so.." I spat, not knowing what else to say.
"You're my daughter. I can't give her a compliment?" He asked, tugging on my ponytail, his hand run down my back. I inhaled sharply, pulling away.
"You never treated me like a daughter. So don't call me that." I seethed.
"You'll always be my beautiful little princess. I hope you remember that as you look in the mirror." He chuckled, walking out the house. I breathed in and out, reminding myself he's not worth snapping over. I grab the box and walked outside, looking at Kathleen. She can see it in my eyes. She can feel it in her heart, but she just smiled, putting on a show for the others that can't feel the pain running in my veins.
"I saw." She whispered as she smoothly took the box out of my hand, pulling out the wine. She opened it and poured it in some glasses, handing it out. My dads eyes lingered on her behind and fury ran through me. Fucking pig. My mom saw and slapped his shoulder, thinking its a joke. He kissed her temple and looked at me, smirking. Kathleen handed me a glass of wine and I pulled her to me, kissing her on the lips, slowly, and passionately before pulling back. She looked shocked, not expecting that. I know it's immature to claim her mine because of my own father, but she is mine.
"I heart you, and need you on my body." I whispered in her ear. She looked up at me, her eyes dark, her lips pulled up in that smile of hers, before she took a sip of her wine. She leaned to my ear.
"Soon." She whispered, biting down on my earlobe. I sipped my wine and watched our families interact.
"Baby, do you want me to get the dessert for you?" I asked.
"Wanna help me put the frosting on? They seem occupied with each other, and I really, really want you right now." She told me, her hands tracing my back.
"Kathleen and I are gonna get the desserts prepared, we'll be back shortly." I announced, exhaling as I felt her massaging my hip.
"Would you like any assistance?" Sara asked, Sofie nodding with her.
"No, thank you. We'll be quick." I smiled. Kathleen pushed her hand in mine and we walked into the house. I pulled her into the bathroom and pushed her against the door, slamming my mouth against hers. We kissed, as wild as animals. Tongue, teeth, biting, scratching. I kissed down her neck, biting and sucking, probably leaving marks. She moaned as I lifted her skirt, ripping off her underwear. I pinned her arms temporarily above her head, biting down on her lower lip, drawing blood. I moaned as she scratched down my back, not caring for the pool of blood seeping from the wounds she created. I lifted her up and my fingers entered her just as her fingers reached underneath my underwear. I fucked her fast, curling my fingers in her, hitting places so deep her eyes rolled back. I whimper and moan and pant in her ear as she fingered me too, the same pace as me. She let out the sexiest moan I've ever heard come out of anyone in my ear, swearing in Italian. I gasped as she pressed down on my clít. I started to cum against her hand as I kept curling my fingers into her. I felt her tighten and she let out a long groan as she came. I let her down, putting my head on her shoulder, licking my fingers. She pulled her hand out my pants and reached over me, wiping it clean, then wrapped her arms around my waist. I hugged her close and sighed, looking at her face. Her hair is wild, sticking up everywhere. Her cheeks are flushed, her summer freckles shining. Her lips are red and swollen from the biting and the rough kissing session we had. Her neck is purple and red from the biting and the sucking.
"You look so beautiful." I looked at her with adoration, pulling out my phone.
"Are you really gonna take a picture?" She asked, smiling a crooked smile. I nodded, snapping a photo of her. She pouted, a bite mark exposed on her bottom lip.
"This is my new wallpaper." I showed her he picture of her pouting and she gasped, looking in the mirror.
"You filthy animal!" She laughed, looking at the bruises on her.
"You should see your neck and your back. There's blood on your shirt." She smirked, kissing the air in my direction. I lifted my shirt and looked at the mirror, laughing.
"You're the animal here, with your claws." I chuckled. She smirked, and pulled her phone out, taking a picture of my bare, bruised back.
"Okay, they're probably wondering where we are so let's fix this. Put on something black and I'll put some concealer on this shit." She smiled. I nodded, kissing her lips before walking out the bathroom. I see my sister in the kitchen, giving me a knowing look. I rolled my eyes and ran to my room, throwing on a black tshirt . I walked back to the kitchen and pulled out the cake from the oven. I grabbed the homemade frosting from the fridge, trying to ignore my meddling sister.
"Did you fück her so hard that she died?" She asked. I rolled my eyes and pulled the ice creams from the freezer when Kathleen walked out the bathroom. She still looked flushed and her lip is bruised and swollen. Her hair is in a tight ponytail, like before. She grabbed my butt and kissed me, a blissful smile on her face. My sister rolled her eyes, grinning.
"You guys are cute. I can't lie." Sara complimented. I smiled at her and watched as Kathleen started putting frosting on the cakes. I put my finger in the frosting, putting it to her mouth. She licked it off, still focusing on spreading the frosting. She stuck her tongue out, a little frosting on it, and I kissed it off, the same way I kissed her last night. She loves when I do it.
"Ugh it's like watching a porno." Sara scoffs playfully, leaving the room. I saw the sun was starting to go down, so I turned on the christmas lights I had hanging and they shined brightly. I turned the stereo up and Ain't No Sunshine by bill withers came on and all the grown ups started dancing, especially my mother. This was one of the songs played at her wedding.
"My mother loves this song." Kathleen cooed, scraping icecream into a large bowl. We took the desserts out to our guests and we all dug into the cake and Icecream.
"This cake is fantastic." My mother, exclaimed. I nodded, looking at Kathleen, kissing her cheek.
"She's a great cook. It's always been an interest of hers, even when she was younger." Delores beamed at her daughter. Kathleen blushed and looked at her plate.
After we finished, we all drank more wine and danced to the music that played. Then everyone started to leave. Sara promised to call me, and Jake promised to take care of my sister. Delores hugged me tightly, telling me how thankful she is that I'm taking care of her daughter. Pete shook my hand, making me promise not to break his child's heart. My mother kissed us both goodbye, and my father tugged on my ponytail, and kissed Kathleen's cheek. Once everyone left, Kathleen and I stayed outside, drinking what's left of the wine and dancing. How Can You Mend A Broken Heart by Al Green came on and I grabbed Kathleen and she put her head on my shoulder, her arms wrapped around my neck. I put my arms around her waist and we swayed, the summer breeze washing around us.
"This is very romantic." She kissed my shoulder.
"You deserve it. Today was good. Your family is very nice." I answered. She hummed.
"Your mother and sister are very sweet. Your father however.." She started. I groaned.
"Let's not even start on him. Let's enjoy this moment right now, okay?" I asked. She looked at me, nodding. I kissed her, slowly. We kissed passionately, our tongues slowly tangling together. She gave me a chaste kiss, pecking me slowly. I held her face in my hands, kissing her as deeply as I could. She pulled back, her breathing heavy. She looked at me for a good moment, with adoration in her eye and a glint of love.
"You give me these feelings. Like you're familiar to me. But I like it." She expressed. We continued to dance. I twirled her around into the same position we were when I danced with her at the club.
"You do too. Like I loved you in another world. I don't care if we're moving fast. It's our feelings. At least we're not holding back." I said, twirling her back around. She nodded, kissing me again.
"Im definitely not holding back. You live in my mind. I don't care either. Two weeks, seven days in each. Twenty four hours. And every sixty seconds with you is worth any other love I can receive from anyone." She answered. I kissed her face a few times, making her giggle.
"How about we get ready for bed?" She asked, smiling. I nodded, tiredness running over me. We cleaned up the balcony and packed everything away. I showered first, scrubbing away the dirty feeling I felt while thinking about the looks my father gave me. I threw on some tommy boxers and a large grey tshirt. I put my hair in a messy bun, brushed my teeth, then walked to the kitchen. I took an aspirin and drank some water, then walked back to the bedroom. Kathleen was in bed, snoring the loudest I've ever heard anyone snore before as I climbed in next to her. Kathleen snores like a chainsaw, and wheezes in her sleep. I discovered that the first night she spent here. It's cute and funny. I lay my head on her chest and close my eyes.
His face flashed under my eyelids. His voice telling me that I'm a worthless slüt piercing my brain. My thoughts race and the mumbling raises to a loud volume. I clench my eyes and ball my fist, feeling my head throb. I start to sob as I see him pinning my fifteen year old body on my wooden floor in my old bedroom, ráping me. Abusing me. His hand around my neck. His fingers pulling on my ponytail as I yell 'daddy, stop!'
"ANNA! ANNA! GET UP! PLEASE!" I hear Kathleen yell. I jump up, gasping for breath, my entire body shaking. I start to sob, hot streams running down my face. She hugged me to her chest. I wrapped my arms around her, sobbing to the point I can't catch my breath. I feel like all the feelings I've held back are coming out at the same time through every cavity in my body. Through my tears.
"I'm so tired. It hurts, it hurts." I screamed, holding onto her for dear life. I can feel everything. Every single pull, every single touch. Everything. My head feels like it's going to explode. Everything is pulsating. My blood is bubbling, bouncing off every vein like basketballs hitting brick walls. I hyperventilate as I cry hysterically into Kathleen's shoulder, trying to calm down. We rocked back and fourth as she sh'd me, rubbing my back. I started to calm down, tears still falling as we held each other. She hummed Work Song by hozier in my ear, tears of her own falling against my neck. I sniffed, afraid if I move she'll disappear.
"It's gonna be okay. It's okay, I'm right here." She whispered as I started to whimper as she pulled back. She got out of bed and took my hand, pulling me with her.
"Maybe some air will help you. Come on." She kissed my forehead and we walked to the kitchen. She grabbed two bottles of water and the sofa blanket, then took me to the balcony. We sat on the swing, and stared at the sky. I didn't notice she had a box of cigarettes in her hand. I took one out and lit it, inhaling deeply. I exhaled, feeling relief run through my body.
"Would you like to talk about it?" She asked, finally.
"What time is it?" I asked.
"After three." She sighed.
"I'm sorry. I didn't even realize I fell asleep." I frowned. She nodded.
"You were screaming hella bloody, my girl. It scared me. Are you okay?" She asked, looking at me with tears in her eyes. The tears came back in my eyes, and I let them fall.
"It was about my father and what he did when I was younger." I sniffed, my body shaking. She held me close.
"You can tell me when you're ready." She kissed my cheek. I nodded, smoking my cigarette.
"It started sophomore year. I was sent to an all girls school and I was already so confused with my sexuality. So, I thought being at an all girls school would be fun. I made a lot of friends. They didn't judge me for my race. Then there was this one girl. I thought she was beautiful. So beautiful. You remind me of her in a way. She had eyes like yours, long dirty blonde hair, summer freckles like yours. I felt attracted to her immediately. We texted a bit, got to know each other. One day she was at my house, crying because her boyfriend broke up with her. I tried counseling her, giving her tissues, hugging her. Then as my father walked in the room, she kissed me. I kissed her back, not knowing he was there. We made out most the night, and then she went home.." I breathed out. Kathleen rubbed my back as more hot tears fell down.
"That night, I was in bed. My mother was at a night shift at her job, and my sister sleeps far from my room. Like across the house. He comes in my room and wakes me up. I sit up and smile at him, but he just stared at me with his eyes. He calls me his beautiful princess and I start to feel weird as I feel his hand touching my neck. Next thing I know, he's yelling, pushing me on the floor, kicking me, punching me, calling me a slut and a dyke. Then he flips me on my stomach and pulls my clothes off, telling me he's gonna treat me like a little slut and show me how to be straight. Then he ráped me on my wooden floor, pulling on my ponytail. I screamed and cried, hoping the neighbors would hear but they didn't." I sobbed into her shoulder. I looked up at her face. She seemed frozen.
"Kate? Kathleen? Please say something." I asked. She had red eyes, tears falling down her face.
"W-what year did you graduate?" She asked.
"Wait, why?" I asked.
"I was fifteen, ten years ago. This happened in 2005? I remember something similar about me breaking up with someone and kissing a girl, then the next day she wouldn't even look at me." Kathleen whispered.
"I did that to the girl. I couldn't even be next to her without thinking about my father. I didn't want to put her in danger. I graduated in 2007. Principals list." I said, then I narrowed my eyes.
"Wait, what highschool did you go to?" I asked.
"I forgot the name. It's in queens, though. Saint something." She answered. I stare at her face and it hits me.
"I'll be right back." I stand up, running to my bedroom, into my closet. I open one of the boxes with highschool class photos and bring them outside. I sit next to her and open it, scrolling to the names with the last names that start with 'L'.
"King, Kyles, Lara. Lara, Kathleen. Graduated with a scholarship to NYU, principals list." Tears fall onto the document as I look for the picture. It's her.
"I-it's you." I sob, looking at her. She has her face in her hands.
"Finish the story. I need to know what else happened." Her muffled voice, explained.
"It kept happening after that. He would hit me, and I would have to lie to my mother. The girl would text me and I would always want to tell her but I would say I wish I could explain but I couldn't. We would meet behind the gym benches and talk, but I would never tell her about it. We couldn't be seen together because I was afraid of my father. Then graduation finally came. I just snapped one day, not caring what anyone would say and when she came down from taking pictures and doing her valedictorian speech, I kissed her. In front of everyone. It pissed my father off and he yelled at me in front of my entire family when we got home. I yelled back and packed my things. Then I left. I went to college upstate, and then here I am." I sniffed. She looked at me with a broken expression, nodding continuously.
"That's me. I'm that girl. The girl that would sneak around with you and we would talk for hours behind the gym benches in the field outside. I remember you looked like you didn't eat so I bought you a taco and some chocolate milk. It was me, Anna. It's my fault that happened to you. Im so sorry." She sobbed, hugging me. I hugged her back, these feelings running through me. Clarity, anger, happiness. Love.
I looked at her, kissing her tears.
"We know each other. We knew each other. I did love you in another universe. It's all coming back to me, baby." I cried. She kissed me softly. I can taste the guilt.
"I'm so sorry. It's all my fault. Please forgive me." She sobbed, holding her head in her hands.
"It's not your fault. It's not. He couldn't control himself." I pulled her hands away from her face and kissed her deeply, straddling her waist. She moaned, kissing me back, sobbing against my mouth. I kissed around her face.
"I loved you all those years, and Im falling in love with you, now. Now that I know. Now that you know. The love I feel right now is dripping off of me like rain. With you I have no care in the world. Please don't blame yourself." I cried, kissing her repeatedly. She nodded.
"I loved you then, and I'm loving you, now." She whispered in my ear. I hugged her to me, kissing her neck and her temple as she held me close to her. We stayed like this, watching the sun rise. We touched each other under the morning sun, showing the dawn sky how much love is in the atmosphere. We laid on the blanket on the balcony floor, holding each others' naked body under the seven o'clock beaming sun.
"Baby, what time do you have work?" She asked. I open my eyes, kissing her chin.
"12. I don't want to go." I moaned. She let out a deep chuckle, running her nails down my scratched up back.
"I have to be in my office by 9. At least you get to sleep, more, even though I wouldn't trade last night for the world." She smirked. I kissed her.
"I'll pick you up after work. I'll drive you, too. I'll buy your lunch for you and everything." I answered. She gave me a grateful smile.
"You're the best." She answered, reminding me of the times she said that to me behind the gym benches.
"Only for you." I answered. We stood up, grabbing our things and heading inside. We showered together, which ended up with me in between her legs, my name bouncing off the shower walls as she shook and came, the veins in her neck popping out and her face red.
"Babe, can you pack my bag for me?" She asked, buttoning her short sleeve silk gray button down, fixing the collar, not even caring if the hickeys I gave her are showing.
"Sure, baby." I smiled, slipping on my work boots. I fixed my beige khaki shorts and buttoned my neatly ironed, thanks to Kathleen, uniform shirt. I pinned my name tag on my shirt and grabbed my ID, stuffing it in my wallet. I threw on my work hat over my curly hair and stared at Kathleen, struggling to buckle her strap on her heels.
"Sit." I demanded. She obeyed. I kneeled down and kissed her ankle, buckling the strap for her. I did the same for the other one and stood up, looking her in the eye.
"Relax, baby. You have enough time to get to work." I said, pecking her lips.
"Mmmm, give me another." She moaned. I smirked and kissed her again. She grazed her tongue against my bottom lip, moaning softly as I slipped my tongue between hers. I pulled back, still very close to her face. She stared at me with her blues, as I stated at hers with my hazel greens.
"Let me do your hair for you." I whispered. She nodded, giving me a crooked smile. I took her hand and led her to my dresser. She took a seat and looked in the mirror.
"You're so beautiful." I said, shooting her a small smile as I pulled her hair into a really tight pony tail. I fish braided her hair and flipped it to the side. I handed her my cherry Chapstick and she put it on. I put mascara on her and some lip gloss over the cherry. I kissed her then rubbed my lips together.
"Beautiful girl." I smiled. She stood up and grabbed her vest, throwing it on. I bent and kissed her forehead before walking to the living room. I packed her bag for her and put some coffee in her thermos. I made her an egg sandwich on rye and a kale smoothie while she finished getting ready. She came in the kitchen and let out an aw with a sweet pout on her face as she saw the breakfast laid out for her. I smiled chewing on my half of the sandwich.
"I know you like rye bread, so I bought some for when you stay over." I shot her a shy smile, drinking my kale smoothie. She sat and ate, giggling at my green smoothie mustache.
"Kiss it off for me." I suggested. She obliged, pulling back with a large grin on her face.
"Thank you so much. I'm full." She hiccuped, giggling. I smiled and washed our dish, feeling her arms wrap around me, her head on my shoulder.
"You're so good to me. Always have been." She said. I twisted around and wrapped my arms around her waist, kissing her temple.
"You deserve it." I smiled. We grabbed our things, leaving the apartment. I locked the door and we headed out, hand in hand to my car. I put her things in the backseat and opened her door for her. She hopped in and plugged her phone into the six cord, as usual. I hopped in the drivers seat and we took off. She blasted Off To The Races by Lana Del Rey.
"You and your music." I laughed. She sung, pushing her prescribed sun glasses up her nose.
"Says it feels like heaven to her." She emphasized the her in her voice. I kissed her hand, driving once the traffic light turned green.
We reached NYU once Lolita by Lana finished.
"You have everything?" I asked.
"Yep." She answered.
"Your inhaler?" I asked her, smirking.
"Yep." She answered again. I opened the dashboard and pulled it out.
"Of course you do." I laughed. She rolled her eyes and took it, putting it in her bag.
"Have a good day filling out applications and stuff." I grinned.
"Have a good day explaining about the wild life animals live." She giggled.
"I heart you." I whispered.
"I heart you, more." She answered. I gave her a peck on the lips. She kissed me once more before getting out the car, grabbing her things.
As I drove to work, I thought of everything that has happened. After last night, my feelings have expanded for her more than words can explain, and I can't wait to tell her that..

Blessant (GirlxGirl. Lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now