Fight or Flight

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A/N: Hey guys! This isn't an update to Too Late (I promise I'm getting to it, I've just been having some writers block.) So to tide you guys over, here is another one shot inspired by Slytherin_2023 so thank you for the great idea!

Hope you enjoy!

Love ya guys! ^-^


Blyke narrowed his eyes as he was practically dragged towards the detention hall.

He hated this. He absolutely hated this.

This was so NOT how he wanted to spend his Saturday.

But unfortunately, he didn't have a choice.

Turns out that getting in a fight with Wellston's king and blowing out several windows in the middle of classes, wasn't preferable. Keene wasn't happy and instead gave both of them detention.

Vaughn had also scolded the two separately, telling them that as high tiers, they knew better than to be causing such a ruckus during school hours.

So, Blyke was now being led by Darren to the detention hall, awaiting his boring fate.

As Darren opened the door, Blyke looked up to see someone he absolutely despised with every fiber of his being.

The ravenette on the other side of the room looked up, eyes going wide and a scowl forming on his face. "What the f*ck are you doing here?"

Blyke turned to look at the school nurse, but the man had already shut the door and locked it, per the rules. The redhead could hear him yell "See you in about 3 hours!"

The two stared at one another, debating the pros and cons of starting a fight.

And turns out, the pros were much greater for both of them.




"Why do you have to be such a massive *sshole?! You always take things too far and you hurt so many people!" Blyke chucked another book at him.

John dodged as he threw a dictionary at the redhead. "At least I don't go around almost killing people by shooting a beam through their skull!"

Blyke yelped as he ducked, the large book hitting the chalk board behind him. "For f*cks sake, it was ONE TIME! Let it go already!"

John scoffed. "You're one to f*cking talk! You're just as bad as me! You were an *sshole towards me after I made one mistake! Then all of a sudden, you want to be buddies?! Like hell I'm going to trust that!"

Blyke picked up a broken chair leg, but couldn't find it in himself to throw it. He was completely worn out. He huffed as he proceeded to lay down on the floor. John raised an eyebrow but leaned against the bookshelf behind him, also exhausted.

The two teens had lobbed the desks and chairs at one another, the room having become a war zone. They had been screaming and throwing insults at each other for almost an hour now.

They huffed as they caught their breath, slumped on opposite ends of the room.

John wanted to throw another book at Blyke, but couldn't find the strength to do so. The redhead was the same way, letting his grip on the chair leg go loose as he just lay on the floor.

Blyke sighed. "Why is it...every time we're in the same room,...we're always about to kill each other...?"

John groaned from where he stood, taking a seat and resting against the bookshelf that was now barren. "Maybe because...we absolutely hate each other..."

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