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Naruto stared at her reflection. Scrutinizing every detail she could see as she fiddled with her pigtails. She had black hair now. Black hair and red eyes. Naruto could probably pass off as an Uchiha if she tried, all she needed was the stick up her ass that every Uchiha seemed to have. But her looks wasn't the only thing different.

"Naruto! It's time for dinner!"

Yea, she had parents now.

What has Naruto's life come to?

 ───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───

Failing had never been an option to Naruto. A possibility, yes but never an option. But they failed. She failed. And it was that failure that pushed her into this small three year old body with black hair and red eyes. At first, Naruto thought that she still in the same world. A couple years in the future, sure but still home. Even when she couldn't feel her chakra anymore, The girl hoped beyond hope that somehow, humanity survived. Hoped that people somehow built themselves up again. But she was wrong. This wasn't her home. This weird world had quirks and heroes and villains and democracy! It so very different.

This place wasn't her home.

Naruto brooded for a while, worrying her new parents. Everything was gone. Konoha, Kakashi-sensei, Team 7, Kurama... it was all gone. Nothing she had done mattered here. She would never again see Kakashi-sensei read his perverted books, Tsunade grumble about her Hokage duties, Lee shout to the world about youth and Sasuke-

. . .


Naruto missed Sasuke the most. She missed the way they would compete over everything. She missed the way he would call her "dobe" and she would yell back "teme". She missed the way Sasuke would get extremely offended whenever she reminded him that the back of his hair looked like a duck's butt. She missed the way Sasuke would always do really cool things but Naruto knew that he was just trying to look impressive. Sasuke had always been a constant presence in her life. The Academy, Team 7 and even when the Uchiha defected, bringing him home had been the main goal in mind during her training. 

Not that it mattered anymore.

The reincarnated girl took a deep breath. Her thoughts were starting to remind her of darker times.

"Everything is going to be ok," she reminded herself. 

It took a while for her to believe it.

 ───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───

The next morning, Naruto smiled at her mothers. They were so overjoyed that their daughter was back to normal that they let her eat ramen for breakfast. On that note, she had parents now and Naruto absolutely adored them. Kaa-san and Haha were everything she dreamed parents to be. They fussed over her when she was in her slump, made sure she was eating properly (even when they took away her ramen they were still pretty cool) and they gave her presents! No one except Iruka-Sensei and Jiji gave her presents. It was weird... not having to worry about the war and just discovering more about her new world. A calm civilian life.

But Naruto had never been one for calm or quiet.

On her fourth birthday, Haha and Kaa-san took her to a pet shop. The sunny girl was practically bouncing with excitement. She could get a dog like Akamaru or a toad and name it Gama-chan The Second! Or maybe one of those bugs like Shino's! The possibilities were endless. Naruto stared at all the cages and tanks with sparkling eyes. 


The former kunoichi's world was suddenly reduced to fluffy malicious hell. She was having horrible Genin flashbacks!

"AHH GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF!" Naruto flayed around. 

"Oh my god. Naruto-"

Apparently a particularly grumpy cat had gotten lose from its cage and decided to run ramped in the store. Annoyed red eyes glared at the offending feline and it returned the gesture with a narrowed blue eye.

"Oh sweetie, are you alright? You've got scratches on your face!" Haha fretted, dabbing her daughter's cheeks with a cloth.

"I'm sorry about your daughter, ma'am. I'll try to make sure the little she-devil doesn't get out again," the burly man, probably a staff member, said.

"Again? So, this has happened before?" Kaa-san, the calmer of Naruto's mothers, asked.

He chuckled nervously, still holding the cat the scruff of her neck, "Ah, yes. She tends to scratch the customers and picks fights with the other cats so, we just keep her in the back. Although the mangy thing's a bit of an escape artist."

Naruto assessed the cat again. The feline was pretty ugly with only one eye, fluffy grey fur and a permanent snarl fixed on her face. She reminded the girl of something... familiar. In that moment, she made a split second decision.

"I want that one," she said, pointing at the cat.

Everybody's head snapped to Naruto's direction, their eyes wide with surprise. 

"Umm... are you sure about that, little miss? If it's a cat you want, then we can find you a much nicer one."

"Nah, I want that one."

 ───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───

It took a lot of convincing on Naruto's part but the adults finally relented and allowed her to keep the demon cat. The man might have just been happy to get rid of it. Well, all the better for her. She stared at the feline in the carrier bag with a triumphant smirk.

"I think I'll call her Tora."

On Naruto's fourth birthday, she got herself a very grumpy cat. Oh and also a quirk, that happened too. 

 ───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───

Hey there my readers! MysteryMajor here~ It's been a while since I last posted a story. I've been meaning to write a My Hero Academia fic for a while now (an OC fic if I'm going to be specific) but everything I wrote never really felt quite right. So, I came with a compromise for myself. I've been trying to find female Naruto fics where she's in the BNHA world but haven't been able to read any I liked. The only ones I truly adored were from Ao3 by Tsume Yuki. She is officially my favorite fanfic writer so please check her out!

Just for clarification yes, when Naruto saw the cat she was reminded of the nightmare of every genin, Tora. While she may not like Tora at all, Naruto bought this Tora as a tribute of simpler times. 

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