Pt 15: Danger arrives at Riverton West High.

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Stacey's Pov.
I gave a lasting drag then whirled over to place my head on the pillow beside me. That's when it hit me, I was still in bed!

I stood up with my knees on the bed to get a grip on the alarm clock next to my bed. And guess what the time was? 8:00 pm! 'Fuck!' I managed to let out. I quickly yanked my clothes outta my body, then dashed to the bathroom.

In no seconds, I was done with showering. I decided to leave my hair in a messy bun then redo it in one of the girl's lavatory in school.

My towel was stranding loosely on my breast as I hauled out clothes from my wardrobe. I couldn't find the clothes I set out for today, normally as someone who was freakishly late for school, I could have selected another outfit, but I felt that the other clothes I selected were more preferably from the others.

I ran downstairs screaming my stepmom's name "Chelsey! Chelsey! Mom?! Mommmm?!!!!!"

She hurried down from her room "What's the matter sweetie?!", She questioned, pulling me into a tight embrace.

I sniffed "Mom!, I can't find the clothes I set out for today", I said.

"Oh honey, is that why you're crying?", She asked.

I just nodded positively going all Poppy eyes.

"I ironed them for you, I saw they were a little rumpled so I had to do so. They're in my room, so quit wailing", she said while she poked my nose making me smile.

"Thanks mom!", I said, giving her a Peck on her cheeks. Then, I dashed to her room, wore my clothes and shoes, prepared my bag, then left to take my breakfast which Chelsey prepared for me.

At the dining table.
"Mom?", I called out.

"Hmm", Chelsey whiffed.

"Why didn't you wake me up on time, like the way you always do?", I asked.

She kept the pancake 🥞 she was nibbling, on the saucers. "I wanted to, but you seemed so tired so I decided to let you be for some minutes before coming to wake you up. I was on my way to your room before you started screaming out my name", She said with a fake frown.

"Haha, okay I promise not to scream your name out like the way I did earlier ever again!", I said.

"Apology accepted", she said.

"But I never apologized, did I?", I asked in laughter.

"Of course you did NOT!", she said.

"Oh, now I see where this is going, okay, I'm sorry!", I said.

"Apology declined!", She replied in a chuckle.

"Why?! But I just apologized", I wailed.

"You should've done that earlier on", She said with a smile on her face.

"Ugh!", I wheezed out.

"This isn't Saturday when we can seat all day arguing. C'mon now, munch faster! You're very late for school.

She's right though, I know I at times come late but I just set up a new record! Woo-hoo!

Wednesday 20th of September.
Just arriving at the school entrance. 8:31 am.
I'm currently running down the hallway to Principal Ellison's office, I didn't have to wait for any teacher to tell me before I do so. Lateness was just an understatement compared to what I was facing now.

Well, I didn't have much problem facing principal Ellison cos mom promised she'll get everything under control.

Enough with the talking and just get to classes already!, my subconscious mind stated.

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