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"Are you guys taking anyone to the dance?" Ray asked as we sat around our lunch table. Everyone shook their heads, including me.

"We could go as a group." Gerard suggested.

"Why would we go to the dance? They're always so lame. We should just skip." Frank said.

"Not this one, this is Mikey and Y/n's first dance! I'm not letting them miss out on an extremely boring and awkward night they'll definitely forget." As the three junior boys spoke of our future, I turned to Mikey sat beside me.

"Do you wanna go to the dance?" I asked, wondering if he even wanted to go.

"I mean, I wouldn't mind going. You?"

"Yeah, it could be fun. I'd like to go in a group cause, I highly doubt anybody will ask me."

"Well why not?" He asked, pushing up his glasses.

"Cause no one likes me like that. If I really wanna go with someone like that I might as well just go ask one of the nasty seniors." I fake gagged.

"Eww, they're so desperate."

"It's one of those things that's so close to being illegal, but it's not and just makes everyone uncomfortable. Gross..."

"Fine!" Mikey and I turned our heads to Frank, "We'll go to the dance! Ugh..."

"Guess we're going..." Mikey spoke.

"Yeah," I responded, "It's in two weeks, right?"

"I thought it was in three?" He asked.

"I dunno, I just know it's on the second."

Suddenly, the bell rang, startling both of us. We all stood up and gathered our things before taking our short walk to chemistry class.

"Sup Pete," Mikey greeted, taking his seat. I sat beside him, "How're you doin'?"

"Sup," Pete greeted, already sat in front of us, "I'm alright. Hanging in there." Mikey nodded his head in understanding.

"Wanna sign my cast?"

"Hell yeah!" Pete grabbed a marker from his bag and began scribbling, "That was a nasty beating."

"I know, my arm is broken from it."

"Well duh," Pete spoke in a moronic tone, capping his marker, and putting it away, "Anyways, I don't think foreskin likes us very much."

"Why'd ya say that?" Pete pointed to the board.

Seating chart


"Goddamnit!" Frank cried, eyeing the board, "Ugh..." He got up there and checked for his name on the piece of paper. The rest of our group followed close behind.

"Damn, she really separated us..." Gerard sadly spoke.

Mikey was sat in the front right, I was sat in the back right. Gerard had been placed in the front left, Ray in the back left, and, Frank, smack dab in the middle of the class.

"Geez, even Pete is sat in the far back."

"Man, this sucks." I said.

"Nah, I can still fuck around." Frank smirked. 

"Well yeah, you're not in the front!" Gerard exclaimed, taking his new seat. We took our new seats, just as the bell rang, and the teacher began her lesson. This sucks... I wanna sit next to Mikey...

I casually gazed over at the boy now sat beside me. Brown hair, blue eyes, light freckles... cute... but not Mikey cute...

My gaze went back up towards the board. Then, I heard noises coming from Frank.

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