Chapter Six || adina fucking ricci

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THE ACADEMY. The place I've spent the majority of my childhood. It's where I met my friends and where I come to escape from my reality. It's my haven.

I met Caspian and Chase on my first day at the Academy when we were in first grade. And, Chase being the guy that he is, came up to the quiet, loner kid and wouldn't leave him alone until he agreed to be friends. Eventually, with a lot of persistence, Cas and Chase's duo became a trio.

During elementary school I had been the quiet guy and, besides Teagan, Caspian's twin sister, and her friends, I didn't really hang out with anyone else. That was until another boy came along who was equally as moody and lonely as me.

It took Chase months to get him to speak to us, whereas I broke from his hazing within three weeks. But, I guess that's Blaise for you. It's been eight years and he's still the serious, quiet dude that everyone is scared of talking to.

And as they should be. He rarely shows any emotion, but that's due to his own set of problems at home which he also t never speaks about.

After Blaise joined us, we thought our group was complete.

Chase, the childish and energetic kid everyone wanted to hang out with. Blaise, the harmless psycho. Caspian, the charming, good-looking ladies' man. And me, the 'mysterious' famous guy who girls want to 'heal'. Or whatever that means.

However, in middle school, an annoying, lanky, brown-haired boy came up to us at lunch and asked if he could sit with us. While Blaise grunted in answer and I replied with a blatant 'no', Cas and Chase agreed. From then on, it was the five of us.

Except when the Artemis girls decide to spend time at our lunch table or during our weekly dinners at either of our houses. They hang out with us more often than they did when we were kids. This is probably because Chase finally plucked up the courage to ask Teagan out in our freshman year, after ten years of fawning over her. Or perhaps it's because we all started boarding when we were freshmen and our boarding houses spend a lot of time together.

But, besides Chase, I'm almost sure that he's not the only one who has taken an interest in one of the girls who live across the street. Caspian keeps making googly eyes at Bea every time he sees her. She's cute, perhaps a bit too shy for what I thought Cas would be into, but I'm not one to judge.

I've never felt like that for a girl. I've never taken one look at someone and felt that sharp spark of what was to come in our future. I love my friends, and I'd do anything for them, but when it comes to my love life, I don't think I could ever feel that way for any girl, no matter how pretty she was.

However, it seems the world has turned its ugly head around on me because I can't seem to get Adina fucking Ricci out of my head.

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