Let's Play Pirates!

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Your pov, congrats, you are now a:small child

"Mikey!" I giggled, running to my best friend.

"Y/n!" He hugged me as we stood on his front porch.

"Aww, they're so cute." His mom cooed, standing over us.

"Yeah, so cute," My mom agreed, "Let's go inside, mkay?"

"Mkay mommy," I let go of my best friend and took my mother's hand.

"Where's Gerard?" She asked Mikey's mom.

"He should be somewh-"

"Ah!" Gerard jumped out from behind a wall, yelling. Instinctively, I hugged onto my mother's legs from the loud noise. Mikey and Gerard just laughed.

"That was a good one Gerard." Mikey spoke through his laughter.

"Y/n's so scared!" Gerard cried.

"No I'm not!" I scoffed, folding my arms, "You weren't even scary."

"No way, I'm so scary!"

"Why don't you kids go play in the back?"

"Yeah!" Mikey and Gerard cheered.

"C'mon Y/n, our dad just built us a swing set, and a slid, and a house thing, and a climbing wall, and-"

"Mikey, why don't you just go show her?"

"Okay momma..."

I followed the two boys out into the backyard. Mikey was right, there was a huge brand new play set on top of the grass. A set of three swings were on one side that connected to a little room up above. Underneath the room was a play kitchen, and a window with a counter attached. Going off of the top room was a big yellow tube slide, and beside it going into the room, was a rock climbing wall.


"There's also a ladder on the other side of the house to get up there if you don't wanna climb." Mikey explained.


"Let's play pirates!" Gerard cried, jumping onto the rock wall.

"Yeah! Wanna play pirates?" Mikey asked.

"Yeah!" Mikey ran inside the kitchen area, then came back with an eye patch and pirate hat. I sat down on one of the swings.

"I get the hat this time!" Gerard yelled from the top.

"No, you had it last time! It's my turn!" Mikey yelled back, "You can have the eyepatch!"

"But I don't want the eyepatch!" Gerard huffed, "I want the hat!" Just then, our moms walked out onto the patio, talking, with drinks in their hands.

"Mom!" Mikey cried, running towards her, "We wanna play pirates but Gerard is saying that he gets to have the pirate hat but he had it last time so it's my turn."

"No! It's my turn!"

"Mikey, you can have the pirate hat this time." His mother said.


"Gerard can have it next time."

"Fine..." Gerard spoke, angrily. Mikey ran back over and put the pirate hat on.

"Arg, matey!" He spoke like I pirate, I giggled.

"You don't call her matey!" Gerard cried, "Pirates call girls poppet."

"Oh," Mikey turned back to me, "Arg, poppet!" I giggled again, "Come aboard me boat..." He gestured towards the small rock climbing wall.

"Arg!" I giggled, climbing up the wall. Mikey was right behind me.

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