Mon Hair...So Soft~

521 13 2

France-y pants! How do you keep your hair so soft~?


"Ah, I didn't explain this earlier?" he asked.

I shrugged and shook my head. "Guess not."

"Ah, well, I shall tell you a little secret, MattieIsReal. I make my own shampoo. Now, the question that usually follows is 'What do you make it out of?'. I shall only tell you some of the ingredients though.  I do not want you to steal the "recipe" and make money from it, oui?

I make it from some French flowers such as the rose and lily. I also put some of England's potion in it. But I won't tell you which~!" He laughed softly, ending his answer.

"Whoa. Rambler much?" I laughed, typing out his answer.

He laughed again. "Tais-toi," he said jokingly.

I smiled at him. "Non."

"Ah..honhon. Merci pour la question~."

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