chapter 3. masters in trouble.

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"Arlo? Arlo!" I hear voice shout out in the hangar. I turn to see Ahsoka running over to me.

"Oh! Hello, Ahsoka!" I say. She holds out her hand for me to shake. I take it, and she shakes it up and down excitedly.

Obi-Wan follows up behind me as Anakin follows Ahsoka. I shake Anakin's hand as Ahsoka leads me around the 501st's cruiser, the Resolute.

"So, where are you from?" she asks me.

"Batuu, you?"


"This might be a weird question, but, do you have any... friends at the temple? Like, did you get along with everyone in your year?"

"Of course! I sense you don't feel the same, though. You were in the class one year younger than me, right?"


"But aren't you the same age as me? That's what Master Obi-Wan told Anakin."

"I'm 13, almost 14, so just a few months younger."

"Well dang! I wish you would've been in my clan. Everyone says you're really skilled!"


"Yeah! And rumor has it you have a gold lightsaber, is that true?"

"Very. The people in my clan always made fun of it."

Ahsoka gives me a confused look. "But that's so cool! Mine is green." She points at the hilt on her belt. "Oh, hey, Rex!"

"Hello, sir," a blonde clone replies as he puts his helmet down. The 501st clones are clad in blue and white, unlike the orange of the 212th.

"This is my new friend Arlo," Ahsoka says. "She's General Kenobi's new padawan. Arlo, this is Captain Rex."

"Good to meet you, sir," he says as he shakes my hand firmly.

"You too, Rex," I respond.

Ahsoka and I continue to walk, chatting and laughing together as if we've known each other our whole lives.

Weeks later, Ahsoka and I stand on the bridge of the Resolute, waiting for instructions from Anakin and Obi-Wan. They had devised a plan to fake Anakin's capture to locate the dreaded Count Dooku. The static alerts us, so we look down at Ahsoka's comlink.

"Ahsoka, Dooku managed to escape. We're in pursuit, but we could use reinforcements. Follow us in what ships you can round up," Anakin informs us

"We'll get there as soon as we can," Ahsoka assures as she rounds up her troopers and we run to the hangar.

We soon find ourselves zooming onto the planet Vanqor.

"Comlink still isn't working, Arlo. We have no communication with them anymore," she tells me.

I close my eyes and search around for Obi-Wan's Force signature nearby, something he recently taught me to do. I sense he's still alive, and he's somewhere close by. I open my eyes.

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