Chapter sixteen

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Y/n pov

We're going to Filmdom City for some reason. We all greet Chris' Dad when he opens the box however things started going crazy. The box is quickly closed everyone wanted to talk to his Dad and get the Emerald from his ring. Sonic refused being sympathetic about the anniversary which I disagreed knowing it could make it worse instead of better. We meet up with Knuckles things getting worse again when the box is opened up the Emerald going crazy.

Chris' parents are fighting Knuckle agreeing we need the ring. Sonic refused for the same reason I retort," It will only get worse if Eggman comes to get the Emerald." As if summoned Eggman comes through the wall. Eggman charging at us we all say together with a sigh," Of course it's Eggman." All four of us Tails, Sonic, Knuckles, and I run being chased. Eggman got his hands on the Emerald we yell determined," Eggman! Hand over that Chaos Emerald or else!" Eggman questions curious," Ooh! Or else what?" Eggman summons a large green two legged robot with crab claw arms and a tail the robot can shoot fire from a tube on it's face.

Tanaka challenges the robot getting tail wacked into the water. Knuckles asks confused and surprised," What's wrong with that guy?" Sonic answered for me putting a hand to his face while I shake my head disappointed," Too many kong foo movies." Knuckles tried protecting Chris' family from the robot by grabbing it's tail. The robot whipped it's tail around shaking Knuckles off sending him flying into boxes. We attack fighting the robot dodging sprays of fire soon trapped in a corner. Knuckles came to our rescue spaying water on it by destroying a tank of water next to us. Now the robot can't spray fire we quickly take care of the defenseless robot.

Sadly Eggman got away with the Chaos Emerald. We watch the humans and the rest celebrate Sonic said happily leaning against boxes," It all worked out okay." Knuckles retorts stern," Yeah except for Eggman getting away with Chaos Emerald everything went just perfect." I nod in agreement at least glad no one was hurt.


Today has been "great" so far really. Getting captured by Eggman isn't fun really high up in its beak. Luckily for me I escape the robot bird destroying it with Sonic. I noticed afterwards something is wrong with Sonic. I was talking to him but noticed he hadn't heard me talking to him at all. I ask concerned tilting my head a little bit," You okay Sonic?" He nods but still seems distracted when we got back to Chris' house. At one point later in the day I'm really worried with how old Sonic is being.  When, Chris, Grandpa, Amy, Tails, and myself saw Sonic yell then just started running without inviting me to go on a run with him. We went after him luckily I was able to keep up with him at the dessert.

I ask confused motioning to him," What's going on Sonic?" Sonic answered confused motioning to his feet," I don't know. I can't stop and I feel like something is in my ear." We try plan after plan until finally we got whatever it was out by Sonic destroying an Eggman robot from two days ago. Sonic crashed in hay now able to stop his nonstop running. I crashed into the hay on purpose startling poor Sonic. I ask worried looking down at him poking my head out the top of the hay pile," Are you feeling better now?" Sonic answered with a nod after poking his out of the top," Yeah it's gone. Thanks Y/n." I retort nonchalantly getting up on top laying on top of the hay," It was a team effort."

Sonic came out too laying down with me both of us deciding a nap sounds great or at least relaxing for the moment. Everyone else set up a picnic celebrating our success in helping Sonic. Sonic sighs he says nonchalantly," It feels good to finally stop." I respond with a chuckle," I can only imagine after nonstop running for two days straight." We soon get up joining the picnic Amy talking away to Chara who looks like he's half listening while he eats. Tails and are happily chatting with each other enjoying the food given to us by Ella. I actually found Knuckles not that far away trying to go disappear to who knows where.

I huff then smirk going after him dragging back the unhappy Knuckles to the picnic. I convinced Knuckles to stick around at least long enough to eat with us. Knuckles sat with me and Sonic as we ate we talked here and there. Knuckles I could tell was trying to hide his love of the food Ella made for everyone. Everyone ate talking away enjoying the happy atmosphere around us. Once Ella's food is gone everyone started cleaned up the area Knuckles helping muttering something under his breath.

When we finished we all say our goodbyes to Knuckles who left disappearing into the woods. I thought confused staring after him,' I wonder what's he doing for him to be in the forest.' Cheese comes over sitting on my lap wanting attention since Cream is busy talking with Tails. I let Cheese stay on my lap soon falling asleep while I talked with Sonic. Cream says concerned noticing Cheese left her side getting up," Where's Cheese?" I answered before a panic can break out," He's sitting with me." Cream turns seeing Cheese peacefully sleeping on my lap. Cream sighs relieved that Cheese okay she sits back continuing her conversation with Tails.

Sonic asked relaxed his back against a tree," You okay with Cheese on your lap?" I answered honestly with a shrug," If I wasn't I'd have taken him off. Besides Cheese is not heavy so I can live with it." The sun is going down Grandpa says gently Ella standing beside him quieting everyone," It is time to go back home everyone. It's getting late." We all get up I carefully pick up Cheese getting up. I lost my balance almost falling with Cheese in hand. Sonic came to my rescue helping me balance before I fell over. I sigh happy I didn't fall giving Sonic a greatful smile. Sonic returns my smile with his own unique smile.

Cream came over carefully taking Cheese from me holding the Choas like a baby. We head back to Chris' house Sonic and I run there while everyone else rode in the Tornado or in a car. The way back was uneventful leading to a peaceful night and great sleep which Sonic probably needed with his days recently. Before going to bed I stargaze with Sonic the sky clear the stars in perfect view for all to see.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2021 ⏰

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