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Throwing open doors to check inside for Abeo, I went from one to the other as I desperately searched for him. He was in no state of mind to do anything right now. The best thing for him now would be to go home and as much as I hate to have to take care of him, it was me who got him drunk in the first place so I had to take responsibility and get him home safely.

"What the fuck! Close the door, you creep!" A girl screamed at me as I kicked open a door to see her getting it on with a guy.

"Have a good time," I muttered and moved to the next door.

I had searched the whole dance floor for him and even gone outside twice to see if he just wanted some air but there was no sign of him.

The humongous underground warehouse seemed to me like an endless labyrinth with rooms on the side.

After witnessing a few live porno action, I bumped into Nova's massive back having not noticed him.

He turned back and I groaned, realizing it was him. "Sorry," I said brusquely and then attempted to brush past him but a warm hand curled around my wrist and I looked back at him. "What?"

He fumbled for his device, hurriedly typing what he wanted to say. "Why are you following me? First out there at the back and now here."

"Who the fuck wants to follow you?" I scoffed. "I'm just looking for Abeo. That idiot has wandered off somewhere and I can't find him," I looked around for him but had no luck then I glanced at Nova again. "Not that you care, with that bad blood going on between you two about whatever."

"What? You can't find him? Have you looked everywhere?"

"Of course. Basically turned the place inside out to search for him."

An unexpected worry crossed his features, surprising me. "I'll help you look for him."

"You...don't have to."

"I will look for him. You can help or not, as you wish." His face conveyed his determination that the electronic voice for him didn't.

"Jeez, okay fine," I said and couldn't help but say, "Sounds like someone has a crush on him."

He looked at me with wide eyes. "How do you know about my sexuality? Did Abeo tell you that?"

"No. He doesn't talk a lot about you, except to tell me how much he hates you."

"That still didn't answer my question."

"I don't assume anyone's sexuality," I said. "So are you gay or bisexual?" I asked then when I saw he looked uncomfortable and guarded, I added, "-if you don't mind me asking?"

"Bi. Now can we please look for him?"

I nodded. "Alright. Let's split."

We went in opposite directions. I again checked the same rooms, some locked and some not, was met with the same people who yelled the same colourful words at me but now they were just in different positions. They could've just locked the door so they wouldn't be disturbed but no, they were too horny and impatient to do that.

A few minutes later I came upon a door which was slightly ajar and remembered I had skipped it because it was so sounded so quiet inside that I didn't think anyone was there.

Pushing it open, I was immediately bathed in the darkness. I flicked on the light switch and almost jumped back when I saw a girl, her dress pushed up to her chest and was naked from the waist down straddling a guy whose face I couldn't quite see because of her wide eyes and shocked face.

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