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Here are some things about y/n! I will try hard to not go overboard with op characteristics.

Age: 18

Studies: y/n is very smart and at the age of 16 got admitted to medical college, but dropped out at 18 years old to follow her dreams of being a hero despite her age.

Quirk: Fire (a very boring name because I don't have the right name yet). She can control fire and absorb it with a certain limit, making her a good shield against fire attacks. Her fire can burn others if she wills to do it, but it can also heal others except herself (in those times it turns from bright red to green). Her quirk is a mirror of her mental state, which right now is weak and destructive. Weaknesses will be revealed through the story so that I won't make you bored from the very beginning.

Bio: y/n lives with her mother and does all she can to make her happy and protect her, but those around her don't realise the hurt and wounds they have inflicted in her heart all these years. Everyone told her that she has a puny and weak quirk, facts that only broke her and cut her will to fight for her dream until.....

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