Chapter Twenty Seven, pt 2

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Two weeks later, Archie is sitting on my lap and nibbling on the honey nut and seed brittle that's already becoming a favourite snack for both of us. Meanwhile, I'm reviewing the video of my lesson with Roy regarding the application of light magic with combat technique in the living room.

The other day, a couple of the Smashing Rams residing in the rehabilitation centre is aggravating the neighbouring enclosures by butting their heads against the barrier and making loud battle cries. Smashing Ram is a type of sheep monster with big curved horns. What set Smashing Ram apart from regular bighorn sheep is that they're monster with a violent nature and can release bloodlust to provoke opponents into fighting them. Because of that characteristic, Smashing Ram easily attracts the attention of tainted monsters in the vicinity and is prone to relapse in their treatment after being treated from black mana. And so, Roy takes the opportunity to show me a way to tranquilise them; by concentrating light magic into his fist and punch the Smashing Ram in between its eyes to the point it crashes head first to the ground. Roy handles the second Smashing Ram in the same manner. Honestly, his method comes as a shock that I'm unable to process what I'm seeing until he's done. When he says combine light magic into combat, I thought something like blinding their sight and then physically restrain their movements.

"The point to remember here is not to use the strength of your fist but the amount of mana you strike it with," Roy teaches with a satisfied look.

Before I could ask Roy if it is necessary to do it like that, the defeated Smashing Ram shakes the dirt off its head and behave as if nothing happened. That's some thick skull they got.

Basically, this particular fighting style requires deep knowledge of the vital points in the body and you also need trained eyes and agility to inflict the method on moving target. How to say it, it is like an aggressive and physically demanding form of acupuncture.

A keeper assigned to the Smashing Ram enclosure says to me in a low voice, "Its best not to mimic him exactly. This method was created by a human priest to restrain a person struggling under the influence of black mana."

"Thank you for telling me."

So, this method is for people, not monsters.

Isn't it enough that I know how to protect myself with barriers? Teaching me this feels like raising an unnecessary flag that someday I might have to do it to a person. Let's brush that thought away.


That's the doorbell.

The residential houses in the village don't have doorbells, not like its necessary for the elves. People still come to collect potions and deliver letters despite how remote Maya's house is. However, Maya is known to be too engrossed with research that she doesn't hear when someone is knocking on the door so there is a need for a doorbell, which is why I made the effort in making those vintage type doorbell where you pull the rope hanging by the door and the bell will ring from inside the house. This way, when an urgent matter comes up, the messenger can pull on the rope several times instead of incessantly knocks on the door until Maya or myself answers albeit with annoyance.

I put down my phone and goes to open the door. It's almost dinner time, I wonder who could it be at this hour? Probably Lord Sol since he sometimes comes uninvited during meal times or so I thought but when I open the door, Luda, Luna and Roy stand at the doorstep.

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