Chapter 5

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"So welcome to the trauma department." The nurse showing them around said.

Soojung was already changed into her scrubs, Jaemin the same as he stood by her, the two of them following the nurse around as she showed them the different parts of the hospital.

It was weird seeing Jaemin wearing something that wasn't his leather jacket.

He almost looked normal. Almost.

"Anyways, you'll be spending most of your time helping out here, in the ambulance bay." The nurse told them. "But we've also assigned you each to a patient in our Intensive Care Unit, also known as ICU. We'll head there now."

"Geez this place is big." Soojung heard Jaemin mumbled as they made their way up the elevator.

"Jaemin, I'll show you your patient first and while you introduce yourself to them, I'll bring Soojung to hers." The nurse said, giving both of them a big smile.

She clearly has no idea who Jaemin is. Soojung thought as she leaned on the counter waiting. Or if she does, she doesn't care.

The nurse came back out and brought Soojung to a room further down the hall. "Now I want to warn you, this patient has suffered a lot. She's kind of outspoken but she definitely needs your support."

What is that supposed to mean? Soojung thought as she entered the room.

The second she saw the patient, everything made sense.

The woman, which Soojung wouldn't have known was a woman if the clipboard attached to the bed didn't note that she was a female in her early fifties, was evidently a burn victim.

Her whole body was covered in bandages and the skin was barely healing. Soojung could hear soft breathing noises, meaning that she was sleeping.

"Ms. Kim, or at least that's what we call her is a burn victim who suffered third-degree burns all over her body. She was lucky to have survived the building fire which occurred a few years ago as the sole survivor. As you can tell, she is obviously still healing, so during your time here, a part of the job will be assisting her as well." The nurse said with a sad smile.

Soojung's heart broke for the woman. Burn injuries were probably the worst and most painful injuries a person could suffer.

"Wait, you said you call her Ms. Kim?" Soojung asked, looking away from the patient to the nurse.

"Yes, unfortunately during the incident, the patient lost her memory as well. We have tried to gain it back with no luck, so we've been calling her Ms. Kim." The nurse informed her.

The patient began to stir so the nurse decided that that would be enough for the day.

"Apparently Ms. Kim is not in the greatest mood today so we'll introduce you to her next time." The nurse said, guiding Soojung out.

Guess Jeno isn't the only one having a bad day, Soojung thought as the two met a smiling Jaemin in the hall.

"Anyways, let's get you settled in the pit." The nurse said, referring to the ambulance bay.

"Great, time to get some stitches in." Jaemin said, rubbing his hands together.

"Well at least one of us knows what we're doing." Soojung said, rolling her eyes as the two of them followed the nurse to the elevator.


Jeno parked his bike, turning the engine off before removing his helmet. He ruffled his hair with his fingers, smoothing it down before making his way to the door.

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