F monday (P28)

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Kai's POV

Man did this weekend go by slow. I was craving my man so badly. Also I can't wait to see who Dana's mate is.

"Kai hurry up and eat. I want to go already"

"Chill bro. We need our nutrition."

"No what we need is our mate." I mean he's right, I miss him too but we can still wait.

"Talking to your wolf?" Zeke asks as he enters the kitchen. I nod and continue eating my cereal. "Still not talking to me?"  He leans over and kisses my cheek. Loki growls .

I mean he did say to not speak till he gave me permission to. So far I haven't had that permission. I get up and drink my milk as I walk to the sink. I run back upstairs to brush my teeth "you take too long."

"Stop whining ." I rinse my mouth and run back down to Zeke. I kiss his cheek and run out .

"If you're still going to be kissing him like we're friends with him, then you might as well talk to him about the bracelet ."

"Shouldn't you know what's up with this bracelet?" I ask as I open my locker and put my shit in.

"No you had it before you shifted. All My information comes from your memories.  All I know is some old man gave it to you when you were around four."

"You're right an old man gave it to me. Not Zeke. So I don't know why I should ask him about it." I shut my locker and walk to first period. "All i know is that one night after i was whipped I ran into the forest and a old man came up to me with that bracelet in his hand."

"He gave it to you for protection and when your father saw that bracelet on you, he froze."

"He didn't dare lay a finger on me after that night. I mean he did neglect me still with his chick. But it only lasted two more years. Then I can't really remember after that.

"Those two years are blurry because it was when you had shifted. The stuff Ezekiel gave us made you forget about everything that was related to me."

"You said he did that to protect me. Right?"

"Yes at first bu-"

"Then i think it's best we leave it at that. It's in the past now. I finally know I'm a werewolf and we're United again. That's all that matters."  I block him and walk inside the classroom.

"  I block him and walk inside the classroom

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