"Chamber of secrets"

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^this song gives me Tom riddle relationship vibes in the image 😂

*TW mentions of abuse and violence*

Tom riddle.
My boyfriend. He's a very mysterious man as most people would say but he's beautiful with dark curly hair that seems to just naturally be perfect dark piercing eyes that you'd think could look straight into your soul and his smart, dark, and mysterious personality is most intriguing of all. As most people would assume Tom always loves control no matter what and sometimes he can go a bit over board on the protecting but I love him and I like to think he loves me
Although I know he simply cannot love and his behavior proves it in many ways.

December 14th,

Today Tom has been off more so than usual. He's barely looked in my direction, I'm worried about him but I don't want to ask him anything. I don't want to seem clingy or be overbearing, I'm going to follow him tonight to the chamber though to see if I can figure it out. Hopefully he doesn't catch me we know Tom hates me involved in his business he thinks "I could get hurt" or that "it's to dangerous for a pretty girl like you" stupid am I right? I'll write about how it goes later tonight.

*near 11:30 later that night*

I'm following Tom throughout the empty halls of Hogwarts careful not to get caught hide behind walls and things in the occasion so he won't see me. After we get to the girls bathroom I hang back for a minute to let him go in first after he does I follow after barely making it before it closes back up.

Walking through the passage to get to the chamber is quite creepy if I'm being honest especially alone well almost alone anyways.
I never fully understood why Tom came down here all the time maybe because there so sort of animal he can control. After he opens the door I slip in just after him and hide behind one of the snake statues he's almost to the front of the chamber went he stops and turns around.

"Y/n love, would you like to come out now" Tom says in almost an amused tone.

Shit shit shit this wasn't supposed to happen.

I step out into his view avoid his eyes at all cost looking at my feet. I hear his footsteps on the concrete as he walks toward me.

"Look at me." Tom speaks when he gets in front of me. I look up at him trying to avoid his eyes when he grabs my face rather roughly.

"What have I told you about the damn chamber y/n?" he angrily spits at me. I look at his eyes for the first time and all I see is pure rage in them.
He roughly grips my forearm and drags to the front of the camber and then yells once again

"What the fuck have I told you about the chamber y/n!?"

"Y-you told me n-not-t to c-come in h-here." I tried not to stutter but failed majorly.
"Precisely. so why the hell did you follow me down here after I told you not too!?" he yells once again. I looked down at my feet once again terrified of how angry he was at the moment.


I flinch from how loud he yelled but he doesn't take notice he starts pacing once I look up at him again. Then he suddenly stops and takes out his wand. I take a few steps backwards not knowing what he intends to do "Tom list-" I'm suddenly cut off when he mutters a spell under his breathe and a red light flashes from the end.

As soon as it hit me I knew exactly what he said crucio.

I fall to my knees in agony and let out a earth-shattering scream.

"To-Tom p-p-please." I beg.


I feel like every single bone in my body is being broken at the same time that my organs are being ripped out of me, all while there's a thousand knives carving into my skin. Feeling as if all these things are happening at once.
Tom looks at me while I writhe in pain.

"TOM PLEASE!" I scream out begging him to stop.
That's when he finally does.  He drops his wand to the floor and walks over to me and holds me in his arms while I sob out of pain that's still shooting through my body.

"I'm sorry love, but you know with disobedience comes punishment" he says as he rocks me in his arms I'm clutching onto his shirt for dear life as he picks me up of the ground. I look up at him and he's damn near crying himself.

I don't speak at all until we get to his dorm and he lays me on his bed.

"I k-know, I'm so sor- sorry T-tom" I speak in a weak voice while he wipes the tears that are still streaming down my face. He finally lets a single tear fall down his face after I speak, he lays down beside me and cradles me in his arms.

"I love you." He says.

"Y-you what?"

"I said I love you." He looks down at me with the most sincere eyes I've ever seen.

"I love you too, Tommy"

So sorry if this is bad I'm not the best writer in the world.
Requests are open so please do request I'm not the best at coming up with these things. But anyways here's my first Tom riddle image 🔪🖤

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