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The action first our Pilgrim takes upon

his waking is to wash inside their room

his sleeve within a basin fill'd to brim,

for on it's dried a devil's pallid blood—

perhaps some splatter from the Doctor's lip

from when our Pilgrim hit her 'cross the face—

thus proving only further that they dealt

with demons true as only stories tell.

Once all's been wash'd they make their rounds of th'homes

the sick reside and find to their relief                10

the malady is fading from the men

and women who're afflicted by its woes,

which lends a credibility to their

outrageous claim of Doctor's evil scheme

as grateful wives and husbands shake their hands

and thank them for their service in the town,

confusing them at first before they're told

the people've figur'd out the Doctor's life

did end upon a confrontation with

the two of them, which they appreciate                20

now that her lacking presence brings them cure.

At th'end of their patrol around the town

the duo comes upon the Doctor's house

and th'wagon park'd outside with both equines.

"Dost thou believe," our Pilgrim asks the Spouse,

"it would be right for us to take this cart?

For prior owner needs, by now, it not."

He forces chuckle ere continuing:

"Perhaps, however, we should leave it here

for town to have to compensate the pain                30

the devils wrought upon the populace."

The Spouse, uncertain, thinks t'agree with this.

"This cart would benefit the two of us,

deserving recompense from Saunterer

and Doctor, but as well the populace

did suffer under them, and would they too

all benefit from th'extra vehicle.

It seems—if we're to play a numbers game—

that two to prosper's less of value than

the whole of town whilst still our legs can walk."                40

As both they come upon conclusion same

a crowd approaches farther up the road

with baskets fill'd with fruits and veg'tables

and wrapping hides protecting salted meats.

A stocky man in front who bears a case

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