Chapter 26

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Location: L.G.D Headquarters, Rooftop 

Rising the sword above his head, Spade was about to strike Mephisto down until-

Ch'en: AH!

The scream of Ch'en caught Spade's attention, causing him to look to see an injured Ch'en.

Spade: Huh? CH'EN!

Two arrows were sticking out of Ch'en's body, one in her torso while the other was on her chest, lodged dangerously close to the heart.

Kicking Mephisto down to the floor, Spade ran up to Ch'en, grabbing her body, and ran behind a wall. He slowly and carefully removed the arrow from her body, then uses a first-aid kit to fix her wound.

Spade: Ch'en? Ch'en! Come on stay with me!

Ch'en: ....Mmm...

Spade let out a sigh of relief when he heard Ch'en hum.

Ch'en: Spade...? What... Happened?

Spade: You've been wounded. I managed to heal you but it costed your strength, stay here and wait for me.

Standing up, Spade felt a hand grabbed the sleeve of his jacket and tugged him back. He looked back and saw Ch'en looking at him with a sad gaze.

Ch'en: I'm... Sorry...

Spade: For what?

Ch'en: We could've won... if I had saw it...

Spade: ...Don't worry about it. We all make mistakes in our life. Just hang on okay? I'll be back.

Ch'en: Just be careful...

Spade: Of course, don't wanna break the promise now, do I?

Ch'en lets out a soft giggle and closes her eyes, using the wall as a backrest.

Spade: Rest now, Ch'en.

Spade's eyes glow a dark blue as the air around suddenly becomes colder, he brought his hand out and rubbed Ch'en head a bit before stopping and grabbing Black Talon. 

Spade stood up, turned around slowly and faced Mephisto's herd.

Spade: And now, you have officially carried it too far, kid. 

Mephisto: Did you think you can defeat me?!?! IF I CAN TAKE OUT THAT BITCH! I CAN DO IT AGAIN!

Spade drew Black Talon, but instead of dashing forward, he swings the blade casting a projectile at one of the herd which resulted in getting its body to explore into a rain of guts and blood.

Spade: Let's dance.

As Spade enters a stance, a stasis crystal appeared in his other hand that transforms into a kama. 

Mephisto: ATTACK HIM, MY HERD!!!!

One of Mephisto's guards let out a roar as Spade sighs.

In a blink of an eye, Spade made a slicing motion with Black Talon and decapitated the zombie in from of him.

Mephisto: Wh-What!?!? Stop him...! STOP HIM!!!

Spade: Blink.

Stasis crystals suddenly appear out of nowhere and lodged themselves into Mephisto's Guards, freezing them. 

Spade: Silence.

Spade stabs the kama into the ground, causing it to create a vortex that slowly sucks in the frozen Guards. 

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