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Sophie's POV

"So can we go today?" She asked Ro. It was the day after telling everyone how Keefe had left. But for some reason Ro hadn't wanted to look for him that day.

"Yes blondie. As long as your other bodyguards don't mind, which by the way how in the world did you get so many?" Ro shook her head incredulously and Sophie rolled her eyes.

"Sandor was going to leave. So I told him to get me more bodyguards. And so he did." Sophie said simply, that memory seemed so far away. Everything was different now.

"Huh. Nice. Well you'll soon see that the only bodyguard you need is me." Ro said with a wink.

"Keefe would've liked that rhyme," Sophie muttered softly, she lifted her head to look at Ro who was analyzing her.

"Probably. Of course there's lots of things he likes. Only a few someone's he loves."

"Cool." Sophie said, wondering what Ro was getting on about but not bothering to persist it. She had enough things to worry about.


"Why are we here?" Sophie asked, looking around at an unfamiliar building.

Ro had given her a crystal and they had light-leaped to the location together, Sandor had-for once- let her out of his sight on the promise that they wouldn't do anything reckless. But to be completely honest? Sophie had crossed her fingers.

"This is Elwin's house. Surprised you've never been here before blondie, I hear you're quite the frequenter of Healing visits."

"Yeah but at the school. And sometimes at home." Sophie obliged, letting the last bit slip.

Ro stared at her blankly before leading her inside the house.

"Why are we here exactly?" Sophie asked. Marveling at the many sparkles in Elwin's house. Should've known he was a sparkle lover.

"Keefe was writing in this notebook thingy for a while. I was hoping he might've left it here. Maybe he wrote something in it that would indicate where he went? If not than at least I get to some new dirt on hunkyhair." Ro said, a malicious look in her eyes as she flung things aside, tossing pillows everywhere along with anything else.

Sophie laughed at this, Elwin wouldn't like it. But she joined in as well, moving everything in sight. After a while of this she sighed, feeling tired. Maybe she could lay on the floor for a-

"Found it!" Ro yelled from another room.

Sophie walked to where her voice had come from, looking at the growing mess surrounding everything. But in the middle stood Ro flipping through pages of a note-book.

Sophie stood up on her heals, trying to see what was in the book but when she couldn't she mentally smacked herself, and lifted herself up with telekinesis. When she was high enough she looked at the book and-


That's all she could say.

There was a few sentences by a picture, but Sophie didn't bother reading the note. She could only pause too stare at the drawing.

It was of when they had ridden Silveny. Her cheeks were slightly tinted in pink, Keefe's arms were holding her tight, -the thought warmed her cheeks- the moonlit sky was so beautiful as Silveny glided over the water.

"That's amazing." Sophie breathed, letting herself drop to the floor as Ro closed the notebook, not meeting her eyes.

"Can I see it?" She asked, reaching her hands to where Ro stood, confused when the ogre pulled back.

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