T H I R T Y - F I V E

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dracos pov

That morning Draco has woken up extra early due to his nerves. Harvey we're going home today and he didn't like the idea of Scarlett going home. He asked Georgia first if she could possibly go home with her, but sadly her family was going away right after Christmas and couldn't take her on such short notice. He then asked Blaise, who said his mother was getting married again and he wouldn't be home either. So as a last resort he owled his mother and asked if she could come back with them.

Obviously this took some convincing, and a promise to try and keep her away from his prejudice father, but his mother had agreed as she loved Scarlett as one of her own. Draco had yet to ask Scarlett to come home with him, but he knew it wouldn't be too much of a fight.

He had made his way out of his dorm with Blaise not far behind, texting who he guessed was Georgia. They were heading to the station to board the train. Draco was beyond happy to be able to see Scarlett but was also nervous about asking her to come back to the Manor with him.

Since Georgia was in Ravenclaw, and Scarlett in Hufflepuff, the group of four never really sat together on the train. The two girls usually sat with the Hufflepuffs while the boys, obviously, sat with the Slytherins.

The pair walked their way to their compartment, and were met by Pansy, Theo, Crabbe, and Goyle who were already sitting.

"So whats everyones plans this break," Pansy asked the group. A few nothings were muttered and the rest were silent, making the scarlet haired Slytherin angry. "I SAID whats everyones plan this break?"

"My mothers getting married again," Blaise chuckled awkwardly trying to break the tension of an angry Pansy. She was usually a laid back person but when angry she was true a force to be reckoned with.

"Again?" She asked laughing. Blaises mother had an interesting. It was rumored every man she married, she would kill and cash out on their inheritance. No one knew the truth, not even Blaise, but everyone did know she was loaded and had 6 dead husbands.

"Yes again," He growled.

"Interesting. I'm going to America. There's this famous tree in New York, you know where daddy has an office, yeah well it's supposed to be as big as the buildings and we're going to go and see it! How about you, Draco?" Pansy rambled on about god knows what. Draco wasn't paying attention to the ludicrous nonsense she was spitting out, only nodding to make it look like he was, meaning he missed her calling him.

"Draco, mate? You good?" Theo had asked making his head shoot up. "Pans asked what you're doing over break."

"Hmm? Yeah. I'm asking Scarlett to come back to the Manor," He looked around at their reactions waiting for something other than what he say.

"Finally! I'm so happy for you Dray," Pansy yelled making the rest of the compartment flinch.

"That's great, mate," Theo said patting his shoulder.

Blaise shrugged, "I already knew." He looked smug as if to say ha.

"So i'm guessing MY date idea went well." A smirk spread across her face.

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