The beginning

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"Good morning, It's about time you woke up!" Your eyes open slightly, blinking a few times to adjust to the darkness. The small room you where in was dimly lit with a single blue lantern. The room was empty, there was no furniture just the walls, ceiling and floor, which where all the same dull gray.

You couldn't remember anything, not where you came from, your family not even your name! However you could remember the smaller more essential things, it was like you knew how to do things just not who tought you.

"This must be pretty confusing to you, huh?" Startled by the voice you jump a little, causing you to bump your head. "Carefull silly!" You look down to see a small raven shaped tattoo in your skin of your wrist. That's were the noise was coming from.

"Where am I?" You didn't even recognize your own voice.
"You've been in a intentional coma for 10 years. When you where 12 years of age a deadly virus spread, quickly infecting everyone in its path. The symptoms where as followed:
1st a dry, continuous cough,
2nd you would struggle to breath,
3rd you would experience great fatigue ,
4th you'd begin to change."
You furrowed your brows at that last comment, "What do you mean change?"

"Your skin would become dry and bruised as you loose your sanity. Your appetite disintegrates leaving you to slowly starve and turn into what looked like a living skeleton. At this point the virus would have taken over the victims helpless mind, controlling you against your will and keeping you alive witch a nutritional fluid produced by the virus. The infected were given the name Rippers because they attacked and tore apart every living thing they saw."

Various questions began swirling around your head, circling your thoughts, but your toung seamed stuck. How did i get here? Who are you? Am I infected? Is everyone else dead? You close your eyes and try to breath. Slowly, you manage to speak:

"H- how... am I not... d- dead?"

For a short while (which seamed like forever) the ai didn't answer. It was as if the air had become solid and frozen. You hear a short sigh from your wrist followed by the ai stating coldly as if envious-

"Your immune."

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