Chapter 13- preparations and the mission

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The next week or so the new recruits were put to work. And since there was no Titan other than Eren I was too. However, it wasn't with the rest of them. I was to clean Levi's office. I hated it, he lingered over my shoulder scoffing and telling me to do it over.
By the end of the day, when he finally released me, my shoulders ached.

I wasn't sure why I had to clean his office until one day when he and Commander Erwin pulled me aside in the middle of cleaning.
"Cadet, the reason you are here and the others aren't is because we have reason to believe that there is a mole in the Scouts." Commander Erwin began saying. My stomach plummeted. They thought that was me? He continued. "At first we did think this was you. But considering you have been around important information and none of this seems to have been passed on we conclude it wasn't you." I bristled with anger. How dare they? I have done everything that they have asked of me and then some!
"And may I know the reason as to why you believed I was a mole?" I asked coldly.
"Tch. Watch your tone brat." Levi interjected. "You're talking to your superiors."
"I am aware of that. But surely if you forgive me captain, but being accused of being a mole isn't the best way to break it to someone who has worked, if I may my, ass off for the whole training and titans since I arrived." I replied. "I have done nothing but work with Titans and Eren since I came here. Fulling my quota for joining the Scouts. I have no ulterior motive apart from seeing those killers destroyed. They destroyed my home." My voice shook. "The only home I have ever known. Why would I betray my own kind and humanity if I sided with the ones killing us."
They were silent, I was furious, I should have stopped my mouth but I couldn't.
"I told you when the two titans were killed Captain, that I feared that it was someone from the 104th cadet corps, and yet you assume it was me. At the time of their destruction I was in the stables and then sorting out dinner as I was ordered to. I may have been alone, but why would I destroy finding out why I am able to control titans?" I stopped for a quick breath. "Curious that I was I wanted to know."

Silence met my words. And I could see the Captain visibly angry. Good. Now he could see how I felt.
"Brat, yes we assumed it was you but it was to eliminate a suspicion. Be wary of your next words." He said coldly. Hostile much?
"What Captain Levi is trying to say and failing miserably, is that we took your concern to heart. The others who arrived recently have all been put to a test as well, as have the ones who have gone to other regiments. They passed. The only thing left was to test you." Erwin said, seeing that the both of us looked close to blows. "We know it wasn't you, but others were beginning to become suspicious. Not just because of your ability, but because you worked with the titans and Yeager closely." He continued.
I was beyond furious.
"Very well." I said coldly even though I wasn't at all happy. I knew my face failed to show my emotions. I could mask anger very well. "Am I free to go?"
"Yes and Cadet, our apologies." Erwin added with a small smile. "Meet us here tomorrow we have something we wish to discuss with you."
"Yes sir." I said tonelessly and saluted before exiting the office.

After I had left.

"Well she's angry. And rightly so." Erwin said.
"Tch." Levi scoffed but he couldn't help the knot in his stomach. He had grown to admire her work ethic. She worked hard if not harder than the others in both his squad and Hanje's. She never complained either which made a change.
"We need to show her we trust her now. Or this will all have been for nothing." Erwin continued. Levi just nodded, his thoughts going to her cold eyes and her fiery sun kissed red hair.

With me.

"Growl!" I growled. I had walked right out of the base and headed towards the nearest tree. I was determined to punch something and was glad I had met no one else on my travels, for fear I would have punched them first.
There was the tree, so I drew back my fist and punched hard. Leaves fell like rain around me, then the pain hit.
"Fuck!" I swore. I hated swearing but fuck was it time to. I clutched my hand tight to me. I had probably broken it, stupidly before the mission in a few weeks. I would be useless.

Inside, I bandaged my hand and asked Hanje to check it. It wasn't broken, but badly bruised. She was astonished really when I told her what had happened, minus the mole suspicion. Something like that would have broken a hand. I could see her brain at work, was I some kind of Titan shifter too? But no steam came from my hand to heal it instantly. So that ruled that out. I was human. I was hoping by the time the mission came around I could use it without wincing, when I tried to grip my swords.
Eren was visibly upset when I said I had punched a tree, ready to punch whoever had upset me that much. I cajoled him by saying I needed to let out some anger for no other reason. And he calmed. The others were curious but thankfully never asked me.

The next day I went to the Captains office. Stated who I was and my business, to my ears coldly. It was too soon to see him and the commander but I was a soldier. I did as I was told.
On entering the two wore equally stunned expressions.
"How did you do that Cadet?" Erwin asked.
"A tree and me had a falling out sir." I replied tonelessly.
He nodded and then proceeded to tell me what I was there for today.

It was complicated but for this to succeed I had to go with Squad Levi. The other squads would be told different positions as there was still someone out there who was betraying us, to where Eren would be.
I understood and they let me go. Hanje would be told I would be helping them this mission and nothing else. She was going to be riding straight for some trees with a lot of equipment. That was all I was told.

My hand was better by the mission, we had to ride through town near the wall. And abuse was hurled at us. I kept my hood up. As did Eren.

Then we rode out on Erwin's command.

Mainly the journey was filled with the thundering of hooves. Then odd firing of cannon guns. Green smoke, black smoke filling the air.
Titans and a change of course.
We followed Levi.
Mostly it was silent. Without Oluo trying to talk and biting his own tongue in the process. I had to stifle my laughter.
We rode further.
Black smoke.
An abnormal Titan.
Eren was told to fire the gun, sending black smoke up.
I knew he was worried about his friends. They were in other squads and some were in the danger area of the right wing, where the abnormal Titan was coming from.
But we had to continue, hopefully they would be ok. Armin and Mikasa were resourceful and Jean, despite wanting to be an MP was determined. Reiner, Sasha, Connie and Bertholdt would work hard together to protect themselves and their squads.

We rode hard.
Soon smoke came up from beside us. Green.
Change of direction.

Hours seemed to be passing.

Then another pillar of black smoke.

We carried on.
A scout from another squad rode and spoke with Levi. Who nodded as the scout rode off.

We carried on.

Right towards a thicket of enormous tall trees.
"We are riding through." Levi said from the front. "Keep going no matter what. Do not look back."
I could see Erens back, which stiffened and he began to argue.
To which the rest of the squad told him to trust them.
Entering the trees was unsettling. It was dark, with small patches of light peeking through. Then came the footsteps.
Huge thundering ones. The Titan was nearby, and running by the sound of it. I dared not to look behind me instead I kept looking at Erens back. He was terrified I could see him contemplating about biting his hand.
"Don't do it Eren. Trust them." I said from behind him. He turned briefly to look at me and then his eyes opened wide, the Titan must have been right behind us.
Levi said something but I couldn't quite hear it over the footsteps of the Titan, and as I was at the back, I was closest to it.

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