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Your name is Y/N your in Gryffindor your bestfriends are Ginny, Hermione, Harry, Twins, And of course the only person you have your eyes on at the moment Ronald Weasley

I'll try to switch between povs with some characters of different or the same gender so we can all feel included

You are into males and females, you can decide the sexuality (All you homophobic bitches leave 😘)

If it is bad I apologize I am trying my best and I am still young so my skills are not all there yet but I will make it as professional as I can

P.S. This is gonna be a spicy story so if that is too uncomfortable for you I will put a warning so you can skip

There will be multiple trigger warnings because I am writing about some serious things to help prevent or inform

I hope you all enjoy the story I will try to update regularly and at the end I will tell you the story is over just so you know if I like how this story goes I will do a sequel

All these characters and settings do not belong to me They belong to J.K R*wling and the Harry Potter Series
I Do NOT support her and her views on Transgender woman or men or anyone she offended, I believe we have the right to make ourselves as comfortable in our bodies as we want, however the Harry Potter Series is special to me I am gonna be including other Characters in here apart of the lgbtq community this is a open story for all ideas I hope you all enjoy

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