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You stood up quickly, making sure to be careful. "Ok, listen to me now! Where the fuck am I, where the fuck is everyone else and how the fuck do I get out?!"
"You're in what used to be The united states of america, im unsure but with my current knowledge however I would estimate they were deceased and I am also unsure." The ai almost sounded fed up, angry as if it had emotions.

Before you could say anything it continued, "Everyone else in this lab was infected except yo- wait let me show you this, it may make a little more sense..." The raven symbol on your wrist suddenly began to glow a dim blue, more light towards your left. Curiously, you  turned your wrist slightly to teh left and the suttle blue light had changed direction by a small amount until your wrist fully faced your left side and the light faced faward. "Follow it." The voice bluntly demanded.

One foot then the next. It was disorienting and upsetting to you to relise you had to remind yourself how to walk so you didnt trip. The heavy, clumsy footsteps echoed in the small room- but it wasnt small atal. You kept walking and walking until you reached a table. This wasnt a room, it was a hallway. Curious, you reached your hand around, touching the cold surface of the smooth, plastic table. She had to use her sense of touch because the darkness hid almost everything. Feeling further back, you found some a small, slightly crumpled peice of paper.

You clutched it tightly and sprinted backs you could use the lantern to see. Quickly the torn edges and dry blood which stained the paper where now visible. Your face turned from one of excitement to one of worry and fear:

You read every word with caution, guessing the torn and blood-covered ones

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You read every word with caution, guessing the torn and blood-covered ones. I'm the last one left? What happened? You thought to yourself but you knew deep down, whoever wrote this was dead, murdered, and this was their blood You knew it ment you had to run.

Snatching the lantern you dart across the narrow hall. As you ran, the stail air hit your face sending uncomfortable shivers down your spine. Not bothering to stop or look, you dashed passed the table.

Step after step after step, all that could be head was your uneven panting and the loud echo created when your feet slammed against the cold, hard floor. As the door came into view, you slowed your movements and finaly stopped.

It was big and silver. Below the steel  handle, was a keypad with luminous green, glowing numbers. Shit. What was the number? 12- no wait, 180 somthing, ugh. "Voice thing, what was the code?"
"The code to open the door was 18043, as stated on the printed document. And my name is blue."

You slammed your fingers into the keypad as fast as you could 1, 8, 0, 4. Whilst doing so, you mutter, "Well, nice to meet you Blue." Then the last number, 3. A dull beep sounded and the door swung open...

What you saw was something pulled out of nightmares...

What you saw was something pulled out of nightmares

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Unlike inside, the air was now hot and thick. Gusts of the strangely warm wind flew through your sweat-drenched hair and whistled through the Spikes. Pieces of black rock stood far above you like miniature mountains, piercing the gray sky, which was scattered with clouds. A blanket of pearly white fog coated the dry, black ground. This didnt look like home. This looked like an alien planet, nothing like the earth you could remember.

"Hey blue, are you sure we're on earth?"

"Posative." Her voice, yes her- you could tell by the high pitches and femininity, sounded worried and shakey. This scared you.

From a distance you heard a blood curdling scream coming from behind you, so, without a second thought, you did the only logical thing.

You ran.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2020 ⏰

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