Chapter 3

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Naruto was currently in a hospital, with Hinata sitting next to the bed where Naruto was.

"Hinata, let's go home," said Hitome.

"I don't want to," she replied.

"Why?" asked Hitome curiously.

"He saved me," she said quietly.

"Yes, he did. But you can't just stay here can you?"

"Why did he take the shuriken?" asked Hinata with tears in his eyes.

"Because he wanted to save his and your Sensei," replied Hitome.

"I know he has nine tails inside, but why does everyone hate him? why does everyone want to kill him?" asked Hinata.

"Because they don't know the difference between a kunai and a scroll," said Kakashi as he entered.

"No one wants to kill him," said Hitome.

"That... that is false," said Kakashi as he sighed.

"What do you mean Kakashi?" asked Hitome.

"Three years ago, in the exterior part of the village, three chunnin and four civilians played a game. They called it 'hunt the fox'. I found Naruto in an alley, cut, burnt, with alcohol everywhere, surrounded by seven people who were about to set him on f-fire," he stuttered, as Hinata sobbed.

To say Hitome was angry would be an understatement.

"What happened to them?" asked Hitome, trying her best to control her anger.

"The chunnin are dead and the civilians are stuck with ninjas in the jail," said Kakashi.

"They deserved it," muttered Hitome, as Iruka and Hiruzen entered.

"Is he fine?" asked Iruka sadly.

"Yes. But Hinata won't budge. As if she doesn't want to go home," said Kakashi.

"Looks like someone got a crush," said Hitome with a sly grin.

"Grrrrrr," snored Naruto, surprising everyone.

"Whoa! I thought a dog or something had come inside," said Hitome.

Meanwhile, Hinata was all red because of the comment.

"So anyways, Hinata?" asked Hitome with a raised eyebrow.

"W-w-what-t?" she stuttered.

"Do you like him?" asked Hitome with a grin. Hinata couldn't take it and fainted on the spot.

"I hope she doesn't get like that in front of him," said Hitome shaking her head in disappointment.

They all looked at Naruto and saw him cuddling a pillow.

"So cute," said Hitome as she ruffled his hair.


"F-f-f-fourth Hokage!" stuttered Naruto.

"See kid. Now he can answer all your questions," said Kurama.

"Hi, Naruto. Kyuubi, I didn't expect you to be this friendly," said Minato with a chuckle.

"Neither did I," grumbled Kurama.

"Hokage sama, he is Kurama," said Naruto.

"So you both are on a first-name basis. Don't tell me you befriended him?" asked Minato smiling.

"I don't know about that, but his fur is soooo soft that I feel like never getting down," said Naruto as he jumped on Kurama's paw.

"BRAT! This is embarrassing," said Kurama as he blushed,

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