Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Everything is dark. I hear things beeping. I have no idea what is going on. Then I hear Zach. “Max, Babe, You need to wake up and open your eyes. I love you and I can’t stand to see you laying here in pain. You are everything, you are my everything. I wouldn't know what to do without you. When we are together, there is not anyone else around. There is only me and you. Years from now, I hope we are still together in each others lives. You taught me to be myself, you taught me to be smarter, and you taught me to be something that everyone will love... I still fall for you every single day more and more. You drive me crazy. Like beyond crazy. I love you Max please wake up.” He whispers into my ear. I try to open my eyes. I feel his hand on mine and I start to move my hand again. Why can I open my eyes? I thought. I keep trying harder and harder. But nothing. Please god help me open my eyes. Please. I say in my mind. “He moved his hand.” I hear Zach say out loud. This time I force my eyes open and say Zach’s name.  “Max?” Zach says really fast. “Hi” I respond and smile. I see my mom run in with the doctor. “Oh my god Max. Thank god you are awake.” Mom says. I smile and look to Zach. I heard what you whispered into my ear. You are my everything too and I love you beyond the sun can reach.” I said. He reaches down and kisses me. You don’t even know how long I missed kissing you. He smiles. “Do you remember what happened Max?” Asked the doctor. “I remember leaving the prison and a couple miles down the road there was a car following me. I speed up and they got faster. They glide into the opposite lane and I recognized the car before. They yelled out the window, “Pull over faggot!” It was Andrew and Alyssa. I started to go faster and I reached top speed. Then they hit the back of my wheel and the car flips. I know it was at least a 6 times I think that the car flipped. And it stopped. I got really dizzy and everything blacked out. That’s all I know.” “That’s good no memory loss.” The doctor says. “Do you feel any pain?” He added. “Just my neck and my leg is in pain.” I responded. “Ok, well your neck is pulled from the car accident, so it’s going to take a few to heal it. And your leg got broke from the stirring wheel jamming into your leg.” He points out. “Oh.” I say awkwardly. “If everything is going ok, by tomorrow evening you can go home. If not then, then it will be the next day.” The doctor says. “Ok, thank you.” I respond. He smiles and walks out. “Thank god, I hate hospitals.” I said. “I’m sorry, I don’t want to leave sweetie but I have to go to the prison. The lawyer wants me to talk to her about all that happened through the years.” Mom says. “You don’t have to go.” “I do, she said the more she knows the better.” “Alright, love you mom.” “I love you too sweetie.” She says and kisses my forehead. “I’ll be back in the morning.” She added. She grabs her purse and walks out of the room. “How was sleeping in a hospital?” I asked. “Don’t even go there.” “Did I protect you or something? I mean how can I do that when I was unconscious?” “And the sassiness begins.” He says. I began to laugh. “Thank you.” I say. “For what?” “For sticking by my side until I woke up.” “I couldn’t leave. I knew I had to stay by your side.” He replies. I smile. “You look exhausted.” I pointed out. “Not really.” He says while looking into the mirror. “Go home and rest.” I demanded. “I am not leaving you. I am staying until we leave to go home.” “You are so stubborn.” “Another thing we have in common.” He smiles. Here, come lay with me. I say while moving over. “That bed is small are you sure?” “Positive. I miss cuddling with you.” “Well in that case, don’t mind if I do.” He says and hops into the bed with me. Zach lays his head onto my chest. “You have a bony chest.” He laughs. “I’ll make you sleep in that chair again.” I winked. “Oh that is just wrong.” He laughs. “Do you have your laptop with you?” I asked. “Yeah, but I haven’t been on it.” He replies. “Good, hand it over.” I demanded. He gets up and walks to the other side of the room. “Here.” He says and lies back down. “Why do you need the laptop?” He asked. “Because we are going to watch Netflix.” I responded. We began watching 90210 season 5 the last episode is where we left off. “OH MY GOD SLIVER HAS CANCER!” Shouts Zach. “That is so sad. Oh my god.” We looked back at the laptop screen and Liam is chasing the plane on his motorcycle. “Oh my, this is going to be so cute.” I say in excitement. “Annie will you marry me?” “OHHHHHHH MY GOSH!” I shout. Zach starts to laugh. “He asked her 2 times. This better be a yes.” Zach says. “Yes.” Says Annie while crying. “That is so cute. He chased her down!” I say while crying. “You know this is the last episode ever, the last season.” Zach points out. I know why it can’t go on. Like they should have a new 90210 with them being married and stuff.” I say while whipping my tears. “I doubt they will.” Zach laughs. “Knock knock.” Says the doctor and opens the curtains. “We are going to get you up and see how you can walk. So up we go.” The doctor says. Zach and the doctor help me up. The doctor hands me crutches and I try to walk. The crutches feel weird. My leg feels weird. “When will I be able to get this cast off?” I asked anxiously. “4-6 weeks. Maybe less or maybe longer.” The doctor says.  “Do I have to have crutches? Can you get me a cast that I can walk on?” I asked. “No, because you have to stay off that foot much as possible, so crutches it is.” The doctor replies. I sigh and kept walking. I hate crutches; I don’t want someone waiting on me hand and foot. I know how to do things myself. “Alright turn around and come back.” The doctor shouted. I swing myself back around and started to head back towards Zach and the doctor. “Good! Wonderful progress.” Says the doctor in excitement. “So do I get to go home tomorrow?” “You do. Tomorrow morning you’ll be able to go home. But until then, get plenty of rest.” He says and gives me a look. A weird look, like he wants me to stay and die. I then get a flashback. “Uncle!” I yelled.  “Max!” The doctor says and catches me. “How’s my new 7 year old doing on his big day?” “I’m good! Dad and mom got me and new bike!” “Really? Let’s go check it out!” He says and we walk towards the garage. He turns around and heads to the nurses station. That doctor is my uncle. I now remembered. I walk back into my room and sit down onto the bed. Zach shuts the door behind him and sits down. “Something is wrong. Really wrong.” I say while looking at the ground. “What do you mean?” “That doctor, when I asked if I can go home tomorrow he gave me a look that he wanted me to stay and die. Then I remembered something. That doctor is my uncle. I mean he looks just like him. The last time I saw him was when I was 7.” “You’re kidding right? Is your medication giving you hallucinations and making you paranoid?” “I am serious Zach! He looked at me like he wanted me to die. And my mom acted strange when she said she was glad I am awake.” “Actually your mom only stayed through the day and she always talked to the doctor like she knew him.” “My mom can’t have anything to do with whatever that doctor is doing. She’s the good one. If it was my dad then I would believe it.” “Max, she made up this excuse to get home because Cassie can’t sleep without her. I and you know damn right that is not true.” “So my dad and her both planned this then?” “She had to go to the prison today. She told me and you that she would never go there and see him and that she wouldn’t talk to the lawyers. But she did.” “Do you know where my wallet is?” “Yeah it’s in the closet why?” “Because the lawyer, she gave me a card and I put in my wallet.” I pointed out. Zach walks over to the closet and grabs my wallet. “Here.” He says and hands it to me. “Got it.” I say in excitement. “Where is my phone?” I asked. “It’s actually is dead from not being on charge for a few days. Use mine.” Zach says and hands me his phone. “Hi Is this Alice Gofers?” I asked. “It is who I may ask is calling?” “This is Max Carters.” “Max, how are you? I heard what happened.” “I am fine now. But I have a question for you.” “Yeah, anything. What is it?” “Did my mom come see you today?” “No, but I was at the prison talking to one of the guards to see how your father was reacting and if he had any visitors. Your mothers name was on the list for today.” “I may need your help.” “With what?” “My mom is guilty just as my dad. And my doctor.” “Okay, come to my office now. Can you get to it? Are you still in the hospital?” “Yeah I can get to it. I just have to sneak out of this hospital.” “Okay, be careful. See you soon.” She says and hangs up. “We need to get out of here now.” I tell Zach. “I’m good at being sneaky. Get changed.” Demanded Zach. I hurry up to the closet and put on my clothes. “Ready?” Zach asked. “Ready.” I responded. We look out the door and no one at the nurse’s station. We ran out the door to the elevator. We began to hear footsteps coming our way. “Stairs now.” I demanded. We start running down the stairs. Even though my legs in jolting in pain right now from trying to run, I am still doing it. “This is 7 floors. How are we going to go that far?” Zach asked while running. “Just do it. Imagine me naked at the bottom of the stairs.” I laugh. “Here get on my back so you don’t fall.” Zach says. I hop onto his back and he starts running. We make it to the bottom and we run out of the door. “Crap we have no car.” I said. “We actually do.” Zach says while dangling keys. “Where did you get those?” I asked really fast. “The doctor. I grabbed them while standing next to him when you where walking. I was going to give them back but in this case, never mind.”  Zach starts to laugh. “Well I got a bad boy.” I laughed and kissed him. “Okay, hop back on.” He says and crouches down. I hop onto his back while we search for the car. “Click the little lock button. The car makes a noise when you click it twice.” I informed. He clicks the button and the car beeps. “Looks like the doctor drives a Porsche.” Zach smiles. Zach puts me into the passenger seat and rushes to the other side. He puts the key into the ignition and takes off. “Where is that layers office at?” Zach asked. I punched the address into the GPS and pushed start. “Follow the GPS.” I responded. We pull in front of a building downtown. “Is the whole thing her office or?” Zach asks. “It says Suite 709.” I responded. We got out and went to the elevator. “This elevator music sucks.” Zach laughs. We got out on the 7th floor and looked for room 709. “The door is locked.” I pointed out. I began to knock on the door. “Hey, come in.” says Alice. She walks us into her office and sat down. “So you think your mom, dad, and the doctor has something to do with everything?” Asked Alice. “Yeah, when I asked the doctor if I can go home tomorrow he gave me this look to kill. And I remembered that he is my uncle.” I responded. “And his mom and the doctor always talked in private and barely stayed when Max woke up. And only one time the nurse came in and changed his medication. The rest was the doctor. We all know the nurses do that.” Added Zach. “Guys, this is a big theory. But not enough evidence to prove that they are guilty too.” Alice informs. “My mom is the one who probably had Andrew and Alyssa tries to kill me.” I mumble. “The only way we can prove that is if she tells you or you have evidence that proves so.” Alice says. “I can get my dad to talk. I’ll use his weakness to get to him. And that weakness is my mom.” I say slowly. “If you can get something out of him to prove that your mom, dad and the doctor are working together, then we can get them and bring them down. But the doctor? I know that doctor; I don’t see him doing that.” Alice responds. “Alice, that doctor helped my mother fake her death, gave her this medication that killed her for 45 minutes.” I pointed out. It gets all quiet and she stares at me. “That is so against the law on so many levels. Now I believe you.” “I’ll go see my dad tomorrow. I’ll record the whole conversation through my phone. I will get something out of him.” “Good. I will be there outside of that door waiting for you to come out then. And you will let me listen to it.” She demanded. “Alright I’ll see you tomorrow.” I respond and walked out of her office. “Is it safe to go home?” Zach asked. “If your mom can protect us. But she is best friends with my mom. So it will be best to stay at a hotel tonight.” I pointed out. “We can’t take this car.” I added. “Then let’s walk.” Zach responds. We started walking down the street. My legs gets a strong pain jumping through it. “Here get on my back.” Zach demanded. I hopped onto his back and begun walking to the hotel. We finally make it to a hotel. “One room please.” I tell the front desk. “One or two beds?” Asked the man at the front desk. “One please.” I responded. I hand him my credit card and he swipes it. “Your room is 804. Have a nice stay.” He hands me the credit card and room key. I swipe the door key and open the door. ”Finally get to sleep in a real bed again.” Zach says and jumps into the bed. “I’m going to take a shower because I obviously haven’t had one in a couple of days.” I respond and walked into the bathroom. I lean over against the counter and start to cry. I can’t do this. Mom couldn’t do that. I told her everything. Why would she want me dead? I believed in her. Now it’s like everything was just a lie. I wipe my tears and I hop into the shower and let the hot water roll down my head. 20 minutes went by and I hop out of the shower and Zach is standing there looking at the ground. “What is it?” I asked. Zach turns me around. “I need to tell you something, but you can’t get all mad and leave.” Zach says anxiously. “Ok…..What is it?” “When we got paired up for chemistry, I got dared to kiss you the night before we kissed. But after I did and I left, I came back because I felt something that I haven’t felt with anyone else before.” I stared at him and I wanted to cry so badly. It is like my heart just got ripped out and stomped on. “Could you not tell me this when I was fully dressed and sitting in the room?” I cried. My face starts to turn red in anguish. “Max I’m…” He began to say. “Don’t say anything. I guess I am just a dare to you? I told you everything. Literally everything and you do this to me? I knew it was too good to be true.” I interrupted. I grabbed my cloths and headed for the door. He grabbed my shoulder and turned me around. “Max, I love you. I really do. It was a dare at first then it became so much more than that. I am so happy it did because I couldn’t be happier. When we kissed I felt like everything just stopped and it was only me and you….. Like come on, I smile like an idiot when I think about you, and when I am around you. I do not see you as a dare. You are so far from that. I don’t want to loose you. I almost did when you were in a Coloma. But not again. I was an emotional wreck when it happened. I thought I lost you. And the thought of loosing you is beyond unbearable.” Zach says. I start to cry harder and I pushed him to the side and sat down on the bed. Zach walks over and sits down next to me. “You bring the best out of me and I don’t want to loose that.” He says and grabs my face. We stare at each other. His eyes look to me like he is scared. He leans in and kisses me. I wanted to push away but somehow, someway, I couldn’t. I could see and feel that he was in love with me. I pull him down to the bed so he can lay on top with me.. I put my hands on his back reaching for his shirt and pulled it off. He began to kiss my neck. I let out a moan and pulled my hands through his hair. He pulls off my shirt and tosses it to the floor. He bites my lip and pulls it. “I’m ready.” I mumbled through his mouth. He looks up at me and asks, “Are you sure?” “I want you to want me.” I smiled. He leans back down and kisses me. This time it is so passionate. I can feel the heat coming from his mouth. I reach to unbutton his pants and he does the same thing to me. We are now fully naked laying on top of each other. “I love you.” He whispered into my ear. “I love you.” I responded.

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