Chapter 5

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Three weeks had passed and the holidays were over. Naruto had visited Hyugas twice and had met Hanabi too. Naruto now was rushing towards the school, all hungry because he had woken up late.

"PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! Not today, not today," he said.

He reached the school and rushed towards the class.

"... Naruto," said Iruka sensei.

"PRESENT!" yelled Naruto as he opened the door.

"Just in time," said Iruka as Naruto sat on the seat next to Sasuke as only that seat was unoccupied.

"Class, we are going to the ground for a traditional taijutsu match," said Iruka.

"Yeah," cheered Naruto.

"What are you cheering for? Only Sasuke will win. He is the only genius in the class," said Ino.

"Oi! Shut up. I am going to be a Hokage someday," said Naruto.

"As if. A stupid person like you can never be Hokage, only my Sasuke will become Hokage," said Sakura.

"He can become a Hokage," said Shikamaru, surprising everyone. He never spoke in the class and preferred to stay silent and sleep.

"He is not as dumb as you say. I mean come on, he painted the Anbu headquarters pink in broad daylight. Anbu! The ones who sneak up on people were snuck upon. His pranks have a great deal of precision. He is an intelligent person for sure. And see his confidence. Everyone doubts him, but he is always so positive," said Shikamaru.

"He is still a baka," said Sakura.

"Sakura, you don't even know," said Iruka with a smirk.

"Naruto Kun can easily become a Hokage. I believe in him," said Hinata.

"Thanks, Shikamaru, Hinata, and Iruka sensei. But I don't think whatever you say will change their opinion. I will just have to prove it by doing it," said Naruto as he stood up and made his way to the door.

"Are we going?" asked Naruto.

"Yeah," said Iruka as they all made their way to the ground.

After many rounds, finally, Naruto's turn came.

Sasuke and Naruto engaged and Sasuke started to gain the upper hand.

"GO SASUKE!" yelled most of the girls in the class.

"Stop!" said Iruka.

"Naruto, we honor our opponent by going all out in this," said Iruka.

"I am going all out," said Naruto.

"That includes removing constraints," said Iruka.

"Oh sorry," Naruto said, embarrassed as he took off his jacket. Underneath it was a harness with 4kg weight evenly distributed. He then rolled up his sleeves and removed a 1kg wrist weight and 2kg arm weight for each arm. He then rolled up his pants and dropped 4kg weight for legs.

Everyone was shocked to see that much weight.

"Now, start," said Iruka.

The speed of Naruto was blinding. He punched Sasuke who blocked it, but Naruto used the momentum of his block to turn and kick his head from the opposite side.

He then stood on his hand as he delivered a barrage of kicks which Sasuke was barely able to block. When Naruto stood up again, he saw a two tomoe Sharingan and a one tomoe Sharingan.

"So that's Sharingan," said Naruto as he sped up even more and delivered many blows. Though Sasuke was able to block most, he was pushed back by the sheer force. Soon enough, his hands started aching.

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