Chapter 14

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Parking lot (Your POV)

I was heading back from the grocery story and was walking in the underground parking lot. I felt like something was behind me, but when I looked I couldn't see anyone. I shrugged my shoulders and continued to walk towards my parked car. When I heard something drop behind me, I looked over again and still couldn't see anything. But now I heard something lowly growling. "Scott? Derek? Anybody?" I asked, hoping one of the two would come out of hiding and tell me it was a joke or something.

When nobody came out, I turned around and started running towards my car. I tried my best to not let the groceries fall out of my arm, while I was trying to find my key. When I couldn't immediatly find it, I turned a corner and jumped behind a parked car. I could hear my own heart beating erratically. I tried to slow it down, so it wouldn't be as loud.

Suddenly my phone started ringing, I could see it was Lydia. I tried to make it stop but I was too late, something grabbed me and pulled me up. When I looked at what it was, fearing the worst, I saw Derek looking back at me.

"You're dead." He said matter of factly. I looked at him with confusion and building rage. "What? What the hell was that?" I said. He rolled his eyes and said "I said I was gonna help you protect yourself from the alpha-- I didn't say when."

I looked at him in disbelief. "You scared the crap out of me!" I said, yelling at him now. I picked up the groceries that had fallen from the bag and looked form y car key in my purse.

"Not yet." He said, making me roll my eyes and start walking towardsmy car. I was beyond annoyed but couldn't help turning my head over my shoulder and say "Okay, but I was fast, right?" "Not fast enough." He said, looking unimpressed. "You can be much faster than what you just showed me y/n... It didn't even look like you were actually trying."

This made me turn to him again. "Hey I was trying ok?... I was just in shock for a moment." I said defensively. "Plus, you only found me because my phone went off."

"Exactly! Your phone rang, telling me your position immediatly" he told me, crossing his arms. "I don't regulate when i'm being called Derek." I said, opening my car door and placing the groceries in the backseat.

"You have to get rid of distractions." He said, giving a pointed look at my phone. "Get rid of my phone? Derek i'm a teenager, I need it to live." I said, a little more dramatic than I wanted to sound. "You need it gone to live, next time it might not be me but actually the alpha." He said, scaring me again.

He walked away, leaving me alone again in the parking lot. I quickly climbed into my ca rand started the engine, I wasn't going to wait here to be scared again. I drove home.

When I arrived home, it was already starting to get dark outside. I knew Lydia was staying at Jackson's tonight and mom had to work late again. I picked up the groceries and heard a noice again behind me. "It's not going to work this time Derek." I said absentmindelty. When I heard the noise again, i placed the groceries back into the ca rand looked around. I then spotted two red eyes looking at me from a tree nearby.

I jumped back in the car, ready to drive away when I noticed I could'nt find my key's. When I looked over, I could see them laying on the floor outside. The alpha came close to my car window and looked me in the eyes. After a moment he showed his claws and I braced for impact. He drew a spiral like symbol on the car window with his claws and left after that.

Confusion overtook me and I blankly stared at the symbol in front of me. When I thought he had gone, I jumped out of the car with my groceries. I quickly picked up the key's from the ground and ran towards my house. When I finally got inside, I leaned against the front door and sighed.

Stiles Stilinski x Reader. (Rewrite of the series: Season 1)Where stories live. Discover now