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September 6, Monday

"Where the hell is Kanaya?" I demanded to nobody in particular as my eyes scanned the crowd of people walking towards Huckstome High's double doors that leads inside.

Me, Sollux and Aradia were still standing outside the school near the staircase, waiting for Kanaya to arrive even though the bell was going to ring soon.

"KK, thii2 ii2 KN we're talkiing about," Sollux answered. He always had a lisp ever since we were kids so he still sounds like his tongue is a four-hundred year old guy working too hard to pronounce S's properly, and then his I's are always too long. He types like this on Sburb, a popular social website. "2he'2 alway2 fa2hiionably late no matter what occa22iion, whether 2he'2 aware of iit or not. And that iinclude2 the fiir2t day of 2chool." He adjusted the glasses on his face with his middle finger, then checked his phone again for the time. He grinned, and announced it was two minutes before our classes started.

Sollux was all about two's and bees. Truthfully, all of my friends was all about something.

I frowned. "What's so fashionable about being late, anyway? I don't see the whole point of how ignoring proper time management will be the equivalent of being labeled as fashionable."

"I saw her a few days ag0," Aradia suddenly said. She was standing next to Sollux. She was always standing next to him. "She had a new haircut."

My uncle Kankri Vantas who taught History at Huckstome High, took me with him to visit the Museum of Natural History in New York, which was two states away from home, even though I practically yelled my larynx off that I didn't want to go anywhere two weeks ago. All I wanted to do was watch movies with Kanaya. We just got back yesterday so I wasn't able to hangout with her.

"Well that's nice," I said to Aradia, commenting on Kanaya's choice of what to do with her life. "Maybe chicks would notice her more and she'd stop moping all alone in her house, always online in Sburb" - which me and my friends had an account - "ever since our psycho bitch friend Serket broke Kanaya's hopeless Maryam heart."

"2peakiing of Vrii2ka..." Sollux nodded towards a girl walking towards the stairs — towards us. She grinned devilishly at us as she passed, then flipped both her middle fingers at us.

I rolled my eyes while folding my arms. If she wasn't still friends with Terezi, I would've already pushed her off Niagara Falls.

"Hey, where'2 TZ?" Sollux asked when the bell rang and we went inside.

I snorted. "She's probably watching a new episode of Suits or CSI or Law & Order or How to Get Away with Murder so she'll be late." I never understood why she liked it so much and it honestly irritated me to the point of ripping my hair off that she'd almost skip classes, but then again there was nothing to do but like her still. You can't say "I think I'll just take a dump tomorrow!" even though you're already five days constipated because some things are inevitable.

I went to first period which was Business.

After Business and English class were over, I headed to the cafeteria for lunch and found Sollux and Aradia already sitting at our usual table. I went to the line up and bought some food, then went to sit beside them.

"Let me guess," I said while opening my can of soda, "Kanaya's still not here in school because she's setting the world record for being the most fashionably late lesbian senior." I took a sip of the drink, then started to unwrap my cheeseburger.

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