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Alaska's P.O.V

Nash decided to take me out on a date today so we could talk and work things out more, I guess.
He also was arrogant enough to not tell me where we were going but told me to wear a bathing suit.
So I'm guessing there's water.
I was in my room putting on my bathing suit when someone busts through the door.

I quickly turn around and began to fix the bright orange tasseled bikini.
I turned around to see Nash staring at my butt.
"Nash." I laughed as his head shot up meeting my eyes and his cheeks turned red.
"Y-you just look really good in that color." He blushed
"Thanks. Hey can you tie me?" I asked turning back around and pulling my hair up.
He nodded and put his hands to my back I jumped a little because his hands were freezing cold.
He laughed and patted my back signaling he was done.
I turned back around and wrapped my arms around his neck his snaking to my waist.
"Nash. I missed you. I missed us." I said into his chest.
"I missed you to baby girl. More then anything." He spoke pulling me into him tighter.
I smiled at his gesture and pulled away pecking his lips.
"Hey! We've got a date, you planned, in 30 minutes and your not ready?" I questioned.
"Oh uh, yeah I just got kinda sidetracked." He smiled walking to his room but before leaving planted a wet kiss on my nose.
"Eww Nash cooties" I laughed
He stuck his head back in
"You've gotten more then my cooties babe." He smirked
I blushed and looked back in the mirror.
I put my hair into a messy ponytail and it actually looked decent for a throw together.
I walked to my closet and looked through it
It's a really hot day
I pulled out denim shorts with a muscle tank and a cute sunflower sundress.
I couldn't choose between the two
I FINALLY chose the shorts and the black muscle tank with a red coca cola symbol on it because the wind will probably blow and the sundress will go up Marilyn Monroe style.
I quickly pulled the outfit on and slipped on my black flip flops.
I also grabbed my black Ray bands and put them on my head.
I found all the other beach things I'd need and put them in a small backpack.
"Nash are you ready?" I yelled across the hall.
"Yeah hold on a sec. Wait! Nevermind come here." He yelled
I laughed and walked into his room.
"What?" I groaned
"Help me fix my hair." He groaned along with me.
I giggled and walked over to him standing in front of him.
I kept my eyes at his hair running my fingers through it
He put his hands around my waist and kept looking at me.
I tried to not pay attention but I was slowly Sinking into his plan.
I finally gave into him and stared back into his eyes my hands on the back of his neck.
"Your the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life." He said looking into my eyes and slowly looking down at my lips.
His eyes move back up and we just stared at each other.
Finally I'd had enough and pushed my lips to his tingles descending throughout my body.
Just him being around sends tingles down my spine
Yes we've made mistakes, yes we've had bumps in the road, no we're not perfect.
But in this moment it was perfect to me.

He was perfect to me.

Our lips slowly departed our foreheads resting together.
We Both smiled and interlocked our hands.
Walking out of the room Nash grabbed the couple things he needed and we walked outside saying quick goodbyes to the ones we saw and walked out to the car.
I unlocked our fingers and went to open my door, but Nash slid in front of me and opened it.
I giggled at how cliche he was.
"My lady." He said gesturing me inside the car Guiding me by my hand
I let out a laugh he closed the door and got inside
"You know, I know how to get in a car right?" I asked giggling.
"Alaska." He whined "I was trying to be cute." He said pouting his lips out
" I know it worked." I smiled pecking his pouty lips.
He smiled back and we drove off he soon intertwined our fingers and turned on the radio.
Miss independent by Neyo came on and we both belted the lyrics laughing at our terrible singing.
We finally made it to exactly where I thought we'd go.
The beach.

Sorry it's short but it's just a filler. I'll be updating a lot this weekend so keep an eye on both of my stories.
I love you guys like literally you make me so happy. I have so many reads and its literally astonishing to me. I didn't think I'd get 10 reads but I have a lot and it's an absolutely amazing feeling.

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