Preference pt. 1

28 0 1

                                                              dating nick Austin whold be like 

- cuddles 24/7

- cute dates 

-movie nights if not all  nighters

 - takes  his hoodies 

        hey Y/N have you seen my white hoodie 

" ummm" 

nvm found it.

- lots of tiktoks 

-gets sad when you wont cuddle him 

bubs plzz come cuddle  🥺 

no nick im going to the mall with my mom (mia)

fine i will just cuddle my bear  he is better anyways 

 (you look at him like this ->🥺 )do you really mean that bubs 

no bby i dont im just jokeing 

-chaseing each other

-nick teaches you how to skate

-you teach nick how to dance  

- taking care of drunk nick 

bby no more white claws 

NoOoOoOoOoO tHe BlAcK cHeRrYs ArE NoT GoInG tO DrInK ThEm Themselves  

- Nick always smiles at your little concerts when your fav song comes on 


Y/N bubs, baby,and bear

nick bubs, teddy,and nicky 

PDA level

7/10 nick will hold hands and hugs from behind but no makouts   

when you sick nick has to be by your side 24/7 and he does not care if he gets sick 

when nicks sick he is a big baby  just whants to cuddle all day.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2020 ⏰

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