chapter 12. the catacombs.

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Obi-Wan and I step back out into the unwelcoming terrain of Geonosis. A butterfly bandage still adorns the cut on my head. I squint as the light hits my eyes, since my concussion most likely not fully healed, but it's well enough. The two of us approach Master Unduli.

"A hard-won victory," my master says, acknowledging the now blown-up droid factory.

"Indeed. And a costly one," Master Unduli replies. "We suffer a great many losses in these battles. Too many."

"The battles do appear to be coming with growing frequency," Obi-Wan states.

"No sign of Poggle, then?"

"Nothing. We have clone squadrons spread out all over the area but no hits yet."

Master Unduli begins walking over to her speeder. "I'll go out and find some clue as to where he went."

"I'm sure the clones can handle—"

"Poggle has too much information about the Seperatists to let him get away."

"...Very well, Master Unduli."

She hops onto the speeder. "Just make sure to leave a bit of strategic planning for me when I come back, Master Kenobi. I'd hate to feel left out." And with that, she drives off.

Obi-Wan and I turn around and make our way back to our landed cruiser and into the bridge. To our surprise, Master Mundi is there, looking like he felt completely well again.

"What's this?" Obi-Wan questions as we walk over to him. "I didn't expect to find you up and about."

"I could say the same about your Padawan. How do you feel, young Arlo?"

"I'm alright, Master Mundi, thank you."

"I'm glad to hear. As for me, after enough time in a bacta tank, one longs for the mundane comfort of star charts."

"It seems to me like it did you some good. Your wound looks almost healed," Obi-Wan points out.

"I wish I could say the same for most of my men," Master Mundi says solemnly. The three of us gaze out the window for a moment.

"Well, let's make sure we don't have to take Geonosis a third time. Poggle's forces seem to have come from the Northern hemisphere," Obi-Wan says as we turn to see a hologram appear of Geonosis.

"And where was Master Unduli's last contact made from?" Master Mundi asks.

Obi-Wan points to a section of the globe. "This region farther to the west, but there's nothing out there according to our latest intel." He sighs. "Arlo, go ask Cody if he's heard anything from Master Luminara's men."

"On it, Master." I walk out of the bridge and begin searching the hallways for Cody and accidentally run into someone. I begin to trip backwards, but a strong hand grabs my arm, pulling me upright.

"Careful, kid," Boil chuckles, placing his hands on my shoulders to reorient me.

"Oh! I'm sorry, Boil."

"That's okay. How are you feeling?" He points up to my head as he lets go of me.

"I'm just fine, thank you for asking. By any chance, have you seen Cody anywhere?"

"Last I saw, he was near the hangar."

I nod, then begin to run off towards the hangar, calling back at my friend. "Thanks, Boil!"
I wave to some more of the clones along the way until I catch sight of Cody, standing by the entrance. "Cody, there you are!"

"You were looking for me, sir?"

"Yes. Master Kenobi sent me to ask you if you had heard anything from Master Unduli's troops on her current status."

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