Chapter Twenty-Seven: Lips Raw with Love

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Do you mind stopping by my art studio tonight? Oracle texted me. 

Looking at my phone as I sipped my coffee, I felt a little better. Anxious, but better. 

"So are you going to talk about your feelings to Drake?" Aine asked in a sing song voice as she sat on top of my head. 

"I haven't even finished my coffee this morning," I said. Orisin snorted as he laid on the sofa, reading a book. 

"Matty, can you help me with this?" Orisin asked as I got up from the kitchen counter and went over to him. "I will remember the kisses. Our lips raw with love and how you gave me ev-" Orisin tripped over the word and his tongue failed him. 

"Everything," I said. 

"Everything," he said. He buried his nose back in the poetry book, slightly flustered. 

"It's okay," I said. "Poetry is also a little difficult." 

"But so romantic," Aine said, yanking on a piece of my hair. 


"But I like it," Orisin said, "it's beautiful. And it's all about emotions. I think people need to feel more. Especially humans." 

"Especially humans?" I asked. 

"You don't seem to like your emotions. I mean that's why you're not-"

"If you bring up Drake again, I swear to god, I'm kicking both of you out!" I said. Orisin grinned, but he didn't say anything. 

"What did the human weirdo want?" Aine asked, pointing at my phone on the counter. Dammit, she did see the text. 

"He wanted me to come over to the studio after work." 

"You're not going," Orisin said. 

"Why not? I think it'll be a good idea," I said. 

"WOMAN!" Orisin said, hopping up to his feet. I jumped at the sudden action. "I was shot the last time we were around him!" 

"You don't have to come," I said. "But we have to figure out what's going on. I think going to the group will help." 

Orisin glared at me. "I don't want you to go alone." 

"I'll be fine." 

"We can wait outside," Aine suggested. 

Orisin shot her a look. 

"How about I finish coffee before we decide anything?" I said. Orisin nodded, but he touched his shoulder where a scar probably sat beneath the white t-shirt. 


"Do you want to help me shoot this music video?" Rose asked me as we sat next to each other in the studio on the floor. She was dressed like a star for some love story. She wore extensions and a wig that made her hair go passed her hips for the shoot. It looked heavy. I wasn't working with her today, but we both had the same lunch and I felt like I hadn't gotten to see her for ages. 

"Yeah, I can do it this weekend if you want," I said. "Just the photos, right?" 

Rose nodded. She scooted closer to me. Orisin and Aine decided to get lunch at a local grocery store (technically stealing, but I wasn't planning on stopping them since Aine only needed one strawberry and Orisin preferred apples) so I was alone for the first time in ages. 

"Are you okay?" Rose asked. 

"Yeah." I said, stretching out my legs in front of me. 

"You've been weird since the concert." Rose pointed out. I looked at her. I thought about the dream I had of her with Erasmus. And I wasn't going to tell her about it. 

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