Female Self

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BONJOUR, PAPA! *glomp* long time no see, oui??

So, I've been wondering, what would you do to her, if you met Female Self?

~Princess (XP referencing to one of my many accounts*

"Do to her?" France asked. "Why does everyone think I'm a pervert?!"

"Non non! France! No on thinks that!" I said. "She's asking what would you say... Or be like..."

"Oh. Alright. I would embrace her and tell her she looks beautiful. She is moi, so of course shes beautiful~. Then have a glass of wine with her and have a nice long chat," France answered.

"That's nice. I wish I could have a glass of wine and chat with my nonexistent friends," I grumbled.

"I am your friend, oui?" France asked.

I nodded and smiled. "Oui."

"Merci pour la question!

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