Chapter 13: Tsuzumi Mansion

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Nanami's POV

"Wh-What's up with that? What on earth?" Tanjiro-kun asked while we're looking at the blonde-haired boy. I was trying to figure out where have I seen that boy when a panic-stricken sparrow flew over towards and landed on my hand.

The sparrow started chirping and gesturing the situation to us, seeming flailing it's wings to help express the story even more. Apparently, this sparrow belonged to the loud, crying, blonde boy in front of us. He explained to us how the boy whined about not wanting to go to work and always hitting on girls which was displayed right in front us.

"I see! Gotcha! I'll do something about it!" Tanjiro-kun nodded. The sparrow looked relieved that someone finally stepped in. Tanjiro-kun walked over to them while I just stood back and started petting the sparrow to ease his distress.

"Please help me! Please marry me! I'm begging—" The blonde boy was then cut off when Tanjiro-kun suddenly grab him and pull him off from the girls he then look at him.

"What do you think you're doing right in the middle of the road? Can't you see she wants no part of you? And don't go making trouble for your sparrow, either!" Tanjiro-kun scolded him. I stood behind him while deeply thinking on where have I seen him before.

"That uniform! You're that guy from Final Selection!" The blonde boy exclaimed.

"No one I know is anything like you! I don't know you!" Tanjiro-kun yelled.

"But we met, remember? We met, remember? You're the one with the problem! Like your memory!" The blonde boy yelled.

'Loud, cry baby, blonde hair, and yellow haori with white triangles...' I thought. My mind flash back to in Final Selection, a few days after me and Tanjiro-kun beat the Hand demon, I saved him from being devoured by multiple demons. I saw him again when Final Selection ended.

'Oh! Now I remember him now!' I thought.

"It took you that long to remember him? You're the Gaki's sister alright." I heard Kurama teased.

"Shut it! My memory's not that bad compared to Nii-chan, dattebane!" I said.

"Yeah right. How about the time when you forgot the name of the brat from the Aburame Clan." Kurama stated knowing he was right.

"That was one time, dattebane!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, right." Kurama's eye rolled earning me a tick mark. I snapped back out from my mind scape when Tanjiro-kun let go of the boy's haori, dropping him to the ground.

"All right, it's been taken care of. You can head home now without any worries." Tanjiro-kun reassured her.

"I will. Thank you very much!" The girl said in gratitude as she respectfully bowed.

"Hey! Stay out of my way! That girl is going to marry me! Because she's in love with me, all ri—" The blonde boy was then interrupted when the girl slapped him on the face. The girl continued to slap him as The blonde boy cried out in pain while we just stood there, processing what happened.

"Please, calm down, miss!" I said. I decided to intervene by holding the exasperated girl down from further hurting him as she struggled out of my grip.

"When did I ever told you that I loved you? You were crumpled up on the side of the road looking ill, and all I did was speak to you!" The girl yelled angrily while pointing at the blonde boy. Once I know that she wouldn't slap the boy I let my grip loosened before letting go completely as I stood beside Tanjiro-kun.

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