15: He's really back

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Ignore mistakes, please

Third person P.O.V

"Hyung~" Taehyung chirped loudly on entering the cafe and back-hugged the older who was busy on the counter while guiding Jae about something.

"Tae?" Yoongi was surprised to hear the other's voice and to confirm when he turned back, a huge grin formed on his lips. He hugged the younger quickly and kissed his temple to which Jae whistled.

"Aw.. my baby missed me so much that he is back even after one day?" Yoongi mocked with the same grin and Taehyung slightly pinched his side to which the older groaned.

"That's mean hyung, I'm here because I wanted to eat cake ok?" Taehyung defended as he quickly pulled back and pouted. Yoongi cooed at that and pinched Taehyung's cheeks softly to cause the blue-haired to smile.

"Hyungie I missed you too~" Jae quickly launched on him and both giggled cutely.

"Me too Jae. Oh, where is my cake hyung???" Taehyung turned to the older to pout again only to yelp when Yoongi playfully smacked his butt and walked to the kitchen, looking so grumpy.

"Aish.. you turned into a pervert in just one day! How could you lose your innocence in just one day in my absence.. oh God!! My innocent hyung is no more here, what to d- ouch!." Taehyung's dramatic rambling stopped when Yoongi threw a little stick at his back.

"Such a drama," Yoongi muttered with a smile when Taehyung poked his tongue out playfully and grabbed Jae's hand to drag him to the side to talk.

Taehyung was well aware of the pair of eyes on him as John was sitting in the corner of the cafe, busy with his phone. He had the plan well settled in his mind and used the chance when John picked up the call he received. Taehyung quickly slipped inside the kitchen and saw Yoongi busy preparing his favorite cake.

He picked out the cell phone and typed the message to send to Namjoon.

'I'm already in the cafe. John is sitting on the right corner table. Please be aware of his presence and also, give me a call when you come here.'

He pressed the send button and shoved the phone back into his pocket, feeling relieved that no one saw him. Mustering his cutest smile, he walked to the counter where Yoongi was placing the freshly baked cakes.

"Woah!" Taehyung licked his lips and was about to touch the cake when Yoongi slapped his hand away.

"Ouch! Hyung ~"

"Wait a bit Tae." Yoongi scolded him and Taehyung slumped on the stool near the counter, arms crossed over his chest, now looking more than offended.

Yoongi completed the icing of the cakes, cut the pieces neatly, and placed them on the plate, with strawberry pieces as a garnish and one chocolate piece as well.

"Here, thank me later." Taehyung wasted no time as he dived for the yummy cake. Moaning loudly, praising the taste of the magic cake by his hyung.

It was early morning so there were few customers only and not much work as most were for coffee which Jae handled easily.

Taking his time, Yoongi sat beside Taehyung and patted his shoulder. "Everything is fine right?" He started with a smile and noticed how Taehyung stopped eating, the happiness in his eyes faltering quickly before he slightly smiled again.

"Yup. Everything is fine. How about you? Don't tell me you called my name yesterday instead of calling Jae." Taehyung joked but cocked his brow when Yoongi coughed a little, avoiding eye contact with the younger.

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