02: The Last of Me (Pt.2)

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"What do you mean you can't hear a heart beat?" Taehyung growled and mina scurried to the machine and after a while she looked at us nervously

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"What do you mean you can't hear a heart beat?" Taehyung growled and mina scurried to the machine and after a while she looked at us nervously. 

"Haha… Sorry, the sound monitor wasn't plugged in" Mina nervously chuckles and Taehyung threw the transducer at her and it hit her right on the forehead causing her to fall down. 

I gasp in shock and immediately stand up to stop him "Taehyung! Stop it she just made a mistake!" I grab his arm, trying to stop him from going to her. 

"I won't tolerate this bullshit, my dad doesn't pay you to do shit at your job! First you bring your girlfriend in here and now this? This must be a joke" he let's out a sadistic laugh. 

Mina starts crying and I would too if I was her. Taehyung is insanely strong and I know exactly what to feels like to be in that position. I start hyperventilating as my anxiety creeps in. I'm not sure how to help my friend.

Taehyung rips out of my grip and strides towards Mina who's covering her face. 

Suddenly, I felt my world stop as a wet substance began to run down my leg.
No. Not again. Please, not again.

I know what this is. It's happened before, I should know exactly what's going on by now but I'm too scared to look down.  

"J-Jisoo?" Mina says and looks at my legs with her eyes wide open. Taehyung stops attempting to choke her and looks back at me. 

The last thing I saw was his face before everything went dark. 


"It's okay sweetie, we can try again next time" Taehyung tried to comfort me but the tears just wouldn't stop as I sat lump in my chair. I can't believe we're having this talk again.

"You said that last time! And what do we get? Nothing Taehyung, let's just stop" I cried while wiping the tears away with the sleeve of my shirt. What the hell did I do to deserve a life like this?

This is my 5th miscarriage and each one hurt more than the last one. I went to see the best doctors all around the world but nobody could understand what the problem was. I'm really healthy, I take care of my body very well yet, the results never changed. Sitting here in this hospital for hours, I've came to the conclusion that I'll never conceive a child for Taehyung.

"No, we can't stop, there's still a chance, I want this baby as much as you do, just have hope" Taehyung repeated my words from earlier but I don't believe them anymore. Fuck hope, there is none. 

Both Taehyung and Mina looked at me with concern because I've been silent the whole time after I came out from surgery.
I looked at Taehyung who doesn't even look like he's shed a tear. I shake my head and let out a broken laugh "You aren't even shedding a tear, but what should I expect, all you care about is getting an heir for that childish gang of yours-"

"Kim Jisoo" Taehyung gave me a warning look and I scoff. Even through pain, he still feels the need to assert his dominance. 

"I won't be able to give that to you Taehyung, I'm sorry, I should've known something before we got married, then you wouldn't be going through this" I sniffed and said my goodbyes before walking out of the hospital with a now crying Taehyung running after me. 

"So you're just going to leave me! I don't even care if we never have this child, I'll still love you regardless so please, baby think about what you're doing right now" Taehyung shouted as fog came out his mouth due to it being cold outside since it's winter. 

"You say that now, but what about 10 years after this? What are you gonna say! You'll be miserable Tae so it's best if I just leave, I can't do the one thing my body was created to do, I'm useless as a woman and a wife..." I shakily took a hold of Taehyung's hand and kissed it.

He's hurt me, loved me, made me realize things about myself I would have never had the courage to figure out. Our love was always fucked up and weird but at the end of the day, he was always there but… It has to be over. I'm not worthy of him. 

"I'm sorry" I whisper before dashing away from him across the street without looking. I had to get away as far as possible, he'll find me for sure but just for a little while will give me time to think. Suddenly I heard a loud horn honk and I looked to my right to see a car coming straight at me. 


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