9. Otaku & Co

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Lee Hyunjin decided to have a very serious conversation with Min.

They were sitting on the lakeshore at that time and he felt this was a good chance to ask.

"Min-Ah, do you mind telling me who the father is?"


"No I mean... it's just.. is he going to come here and erm you know take them away or something like that?"

He should at least pay child support if not!

Min snorted at him, rolling her eyes too. After that she rested her head on her paws, the look in her eyes changed, it was very sad.



The father was killed.

"Sorry Min-ah. Were you alone all this time then?"


"It's okay now, I also was alone after my parents died you know so now at least you and me aren't alone."

After this short conversation, Lee Hyunjin decided to put off his trip. Maybe it would be fine, the two of them could figure something out.

Also he realised it probably wouldn't work anyway. As long as it wasn't raining heavily then Min would know if he left. Besides even if it rained heavily he wouldn't dare take a step outside the cave on his own again.

Lee Hyunjin sighed, he better try and remember every single thing his pretty teacher said about animals because he'd be a big brother soon and he can't look bad in front of the young ones!

From that day on, Lee Hyunjin made a decision and started training to make himself stronger whilst even attempting 'meditating' to remember all the forgotten knowledge from his days in middle school, of course this was completely futile.

Min just enjoyed the show. She even helped him count how many push ups he did and the count only ever reached 1, if he was determined enough then it'd reach 1.5 but at least it was something.

~ Otaku & co ~

Han Shinwoo was currently feeling gleeful.

Things were progressing just as he wanted! After the kings explanation of what was going on, Kim Jaehyun with the rest of them agreed to help the kingdom with some conditions of course, including finding out the way to return home.

The king assigned some maidservants and instructors to help them get accustomed to life in Ledris and also to learn how to fight because they would certainly need to.

One of the instructors they had was a man named Hector Lisel. He taught them about the type of  magic people had here and of course that was not what it was called.

It was called Spirit.

The theory for this spirit was that there was energy everywhere, in the atmosphere, in plants, in animals and lastly in humans.

This energy lay dormant inside people and could be awakened in different situations or using different methods which depended on the persons innate nature.

Spirit was closely associated with a persons nature, be they good or full of malice, their spirit would respond in kind even affecting the colour of their aura. Aura being the faint glow that surrounded them whenever they used spirit.

When they were summoned, Han Shinwoo and the others were supposedly tested to find out their aptitudes. Apparently, people from 'Earth' had much greater aptitude's than people from this world which was called Arshnix.

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