37: Emilia

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I was covered in her blood.

The phone fell from my ear as I listened to her take her last breath before I shook my head, tears leaving my eyes unwillingly. This was my fault. This was all my fucking fault.

"No, no, Emmy!" I yelled, shakily placing my fingers against her neck as I checked for a pulse that wasn't there. I couldn't feel anything on her neck or her wrist. My eyes widened and I immediately began to do CPR as I yelled at our doctor to hurry up over the phone.

"Come on baby, wake up." I begged, pressing my hands against her chest as her body dipped with each of my motions. This wasn't how things were supposed to go. Rafael and Antonio were supposed to get here and take her back to the estate. I was supposed to see her again, alive and breathing.

"God damnit Emilia, wake the hell up!" My voice cracked as I continued to pump her heart at a constant pace.

If this were a fairytale involved with some magical bullshit, normally my words would have had an affect on her and magically awoken her as if it were some form of a true loves kiss.

But while she lays there unconscious as the blood drains from her body, this only concluded that this wasn't a fairytale where the princess and the prince lived happily ever after. This wasn't a story where the princess magically wakes up. This was the type of story that nobody wanted to hear because it was everything that a fairytale wasn't. This was reality.

And reality fucking sucks.

I listened to the sounds of sirens that came from the ambulance that pulled up outside before the car doors slammed shut. I could see the paramedics rushing inside from my peripheral vision as they got down next to me.

"Mr. Fontana, I need you to back up!" A paramedic instructed, removing me from Emilia and I sat back and watched as they took over.

They picked her up before loading her onto the gurney as they rushed her out to the ambulance. I stayed inside of the apartment as they slammed the doors before driving off with her inside of it. I felt lost as the sirens grew fainter and fainter the further they got away.

She didn't realize that the whole time I was on my way here, I could hear everything that was going on inside of the apartment over the phone call she never hung up on. I could hear every single one of her cries for help, her screams, her begs and pleads. I could hear it all and there wasn't a single thing that I could do to stop them.

It was the purest form of torture. To just sit back and listen while she begs for her life. To just sit there without being able to do a single thing to stop it. It was the exact same thing that happened on my ninth birthday.

My eyes fell upon the blood all over my body and I stood up, picking up my gun before staring at the mess that was made of the apartment. All the blood, the bodies, the glass. Just seeing everything like this made me pissed off. One thing I knew for sure was that I couldn't stay in here.

The cold air whipped my cheeks as I rushed back to my car, slamming the door closed behind me as I got inside. Immediately, I sped off down the road as the overpowering feeling of anger consumed my being.
My knee bounced up and down as I stared at the white floor of the waiting room in front of me. All I could see was her blood staining the floor as I got lost in the sounds of her screams that were ringing in my ears.

EmiliaWhere stories live. Discover now