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-Fred's POV-:

  We bolted up the stairs as soon as we heard her crying. The worst of the worst of thoughts came into my mind. I swung the door open to reveal a distraught looking Bella sitting on the bed with her knees curled up towards her chest. Her eyes were running down with black tears from her mascara. I quickly went and sat down next to her placing a hand on her knee but as soon as I did she flinched.

Fuck. Does she really think I would hurt her? Moments like these make me wanna track down the bastard that caused this and Avada Kedavra him.

I removed my hand as soon as she flinched and looked up at her "Hey hey it's just me. You're safe here it's okay." She looked up at me with realization and swung her arms around me pulling me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around her and stroked her long brown hair. "Shh shh it's okay." I said trying to comfort her.

"H-he was h-hurting me. That n-night that Gail came for me. I relived it a-all over again." she said softly in between sobs. My heart ached for her. She broke apart from our hug and looked up to see Ginny, Ron, and George looking at her with sympathy. "Hey Belle." Ron said. Really? She's crying and all you can say is "Hey Belle" ? My brother is pathetic.

"Oh, hi guys. I didn't see you there I'm sorry. Just a bad dream." she assured us.

"No worries Bella, if you want me and you can just have some girl time later. Would that make you feel better?" Ginny asked her.

"Yea actually that would thanks Gin." Bella told her with a wide smile.

"Well I'm gonna go shower guys I'll see you in a little and I promise you I'm fine." Bella told us as she stepped out of the room to go shower. Why did she lie? She's not fine, but I didn't really feel like arguing right now. "Come on guys let's go downstairs." I told my siblings and we all went down to sit on the couch waiting patiently for Bella.


-Bella's POV-:

I left the room and made my way down the short hall into the restroom. I'm not sure why I flinched when Fred touched me, I mean he's my best-friend I know he'd never hurt me. I shook off the dream I just had and let out a heavy sigh I didn't know I was holding. Why would I lie and say that I was fine? Was it because I didn't want them to worry about me? Whatever the reason was, I was starting to feel a little guilty.

  I slipped off my clothes and stepped into the shower. As the water started running I  jumped as it hit my back with an icy cold feeling. It slowly started to warm up and I began using my vanilla scented shampoo.

  I practically lived at the burrow so I had my own things there. Toothbrush, shampoo and conditioner, body wash etc. I massaged the shampoo into my scalp and the shower started to smell of vanilla. Around 15 minutes passed and I was done showering. I wrapped a red velvet like colored towel around my body and noticed my body had changed a lot in the short amount of time since 4th year ended.

My breasts had gotten slightly bigger, and my waist was slimmer. I was definitely curvier than last year, and my ass had gotten bigger. I never really took the time to look into the mirror until now, and boy was I shocked.

I left the restroom still with a towel being the only thing covering my naked body. I opened the door to my room- well Fred and George's room and locked it behind me. I slipped on a red hoodie not bothering to put anything underneath, with some black booty shorts. I quickly sprayed some of my vanilla body mist before heading downstairs.

I spotted the four siblings sitting down on the couch and made my way towards them. Before I could plop down in between my two best-friends Ginny pulled me into a tight hug. "Oh Belle I missed you so much! You have no idea how much I have to talk to you about." I giggled as Ginny told me this. I'm almost certain that she needed to talk to me about Harry.

She'd been crushing on him ever since her first year, and she wanted my help in asking him out this year. I let go of her and sat in between the twins. Ron was sat in a sofa chair as well as Ginny across from us. "I see someone has been using their vanilla shampoo." George teased. "Oh shut it, just because you smell like Alicias perfume all the time doesn't mean we have to as well." I remarked.

George blushed but then looked slightly uncomfortable. "I was only joking Georgie." I said trying to make him feel better. Was he alright? "No no it's not that, it's just I haven't talked to her all summer. She hasn't sent me an owl at all. I've tried writing to her but she doesn't answer them." he replied with a look of sadness. "I'm sure everything is fine, maybe she's just busy?" Ron said. "Yea maybe." George responded. Although he didn't sound too convinced.

We spent the afternoon playing quidditch. Harry had gotten there a little earlier, and of course Ginny could not stop blushing. I enjoyed teasing her about it and in return she teased me about Dr-Malfoy. She claimed he had a thing for me but I denied it. I mean everyone knows that Malfoy hates Gryffindors, not to mention he was a "Foul loathsome evil little cockroach" as Hermione liked referring to him.

We divided up into two teams, but there was no one to keep score so you could bet your ass that Fred and George would play unfairly. My team was Ginny and Harry and Fred's team was George and Ron. Fred and I being beaters, Harry and Ron keepers, and George and Ginny chasers. We decided to just not use a snitch and the first team with 50 points wins.

Harry released the quaffle and bludger and the game commenced. Fred had sent the bludger towards Ginny but I was quick enough to send it his way. He dodged it and gave me a grin. "So that's how it is now eh Marshall?" He shouted. "I can play dirty too Weasley!" I snickered. The game went on for a good 30 minutes before Molly came out and told us dinner was ready.

My team had ended up winning much to Fred's dismay. We cleaned up and went inside to go eat. Mr.Weasley had just come back from work and spotted me and Harry sitting down at the table. "Ah Bella, Harry! Good to see you both" "You too Mr.Weasley." We said in unison.

All eight of us laughed at old memories. It made me happy being with the Weasleys. They truly were my family, other than my aunt of course. It made me a little sad listening to Mrs.Weasleys memories with her children. It made me miss my mom even more. I wish I had more time with her.

I sometimes got jealous of my four friends. They both had loving parents, whereas I had only one, yet still didn't. I didn't like thinking about my father, yet part of me feels bad. He only did what he did to me because he was in pain, but I was in pain too. I was a child and he should have been there for me.

I guess it's easy for me and Harry to understand each other. He lost both of his parents and technically so did I. We never really felt what it was like to be loved by our parents. He told me he has seen his parents several times though in different forms. The Mirror of Erised, in the graveyard after the Tri-Wizard Tournament, and in several patronuses.

I hadn't seen my mother at all. In any form. I tried not to think about her a lot since it made me sad. Thankfully I've always had my aunt Gail and Molly but it still wasn't the same. A voice calling out my name snapped me out of my trance. "Bella? Earth to Bella?" it was Ginny. "Oh sorry, what?"

"I was asking if you wanted to head upstairs now."

"Oh uh no thanks." she gave me a warning expression looking towards Harry. "OH! On second though yea I would love to go." I quickly sat up and put my dishes in the sink. "Thank you for dinner Molly it was delicious. See ya later boys!" and with that we headed upstairs towards her room.

Collided Hearts: A Hogwarts storyWhere stories live. Discover now