Chapter 6 (Episode 20)

704 23 3

Word Count: 1830
"Stinger!" Y/N shouted. "Where are you? Please! Answer me!"

Y/N sighed while they ran to the voyager bay, only, to find that Stinger's voyager wasn't there.

'Why? Why did he leave?' Y/N thought.

"Y/N!" Kotaro shouted.

"Did you find him?" Y/N asked.

"No. Is his voyager here?"

"No. He must have actually left."

"I'll go contact the Commander."

"Ok. I'll go try to track his Seiza Blaster."


With that, they two of them ran in opposite directions, Y/N heading to the control center but was stopped when they saw Aria running. Aria ran up to Y/N showing her a tablet, on that tablet, showed a map that had an orange dot heading to Earth.

"Is that Stinger?" Y/N asked.

"Yeah," Aria nodded.

"By how fast that dot is moving and where he is, he probably left at around 7:00," Y/N began. "If he's heading to Earth, he'd be there in an hour. No way we'd be able to intercept him in time."

"So, what are you going to go?" Aria asked.

"Simple. Kotaro and I are going to go after him," Y/N declared.

"Don't be stupid!" Aria yelled. "If you go, you'll get killed! By Stinger or this 'Scorpio'!"

"And if I don't go, Scorpio will kill Stinger!" Y/N shouted.

"But, if you two go, it'll be three or more deaths! If you let Stinger go-"

"The last time I had the opportunity to help someone and I didn't take it, it hurt everyone around me horribly! I won't let that happen again."

"You don't even know Stinger that well! At least wait until Champ-san is complete tomorrow."

"It doesn't matter if I don't know him that well! If Kotaro and I don't go, Stinger might not see tomorrow!"

"But Y/N-"

"But nothing, Aria. It doesn't matter what you think, we have to at least try to stop Stinger."

With that, Y/N ran out to try to find Kotaro while leaving Aria alone in the hallway. Aria looked at her tablet before dropping it on the floor and stepping on it, causing the screen to break.

"The last time you had the oppurtunity to help someone? Everyone around you got hurt? They're going to regret this," Aria said, walking away from where she was standing.

Elsewhere Y/N ran up to Kotaro to see him in Champ's repair room.

"Kotaro!" Y/N said, walking up to him.

"Did you find Stinger?" the youngest Kyuranger asked.

"No, he's heading to Earth. Most likely trying to find Scorpio."

"Scorpio? Isn't he super dangerous?" he paused. "Wasn't he the one to do this to Champ?"

"Yeah. That's why were going there."

"Stinger is already on Earth, though."

"What do you mean?"

"He stopped at the Orion ship and stung Garu and Raptor. He also took the Kyutamas needed for the Argo."

"We're too late."

"What about Champ?"

"He'll come when he can, for now we need to go. I'll go get our voyagers ready."

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