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I just wanted to list some random facts about shifting for those who arent aware

~Chose a method that seems to "call you". Use a method that seems like it drawing itself to you, meaning its title or even tbe information in it. Pick a method that seems like "your method"

~Shifting DOES take time. A method may not work on the first night or time you do it, but it eventually will.

~If after about a week the method doesn't work, take a break, even if its a night or 2, and than start again.

~After shifting a few times, your mind will become "stronger" so it will be easier to shift, use a different methods (even if they didnt work when u first tried them)

~Keep a shifting journal. Write down the method you used and symptoms u felt. It will help you in the future, by looking back at your "notes"

~After writing your script, make a little note at the bottom that; you will get 100× better at shifting, you will remeber everything, and wont be sad when you return (it triggers stuff)

~No. Negative. Thoughts. Dont think negatively that you wont shift. Try to keep your mind at ease (but i know thats hard with anxiety ans personal problems/things, but do try your hardest)

~Change your surroundings if you can. It may just be the atmosphere thats stopping you from shifting.

~You can write a script on paper or type it on a computer or phone. I like making a paper script, and than making slide shows of the characters, my surroundings (like main ones, such as my home or a place I go often), clothing, and people I want to add (for example a little brother. I will find a picture and make him my little brother)

~I would not use people you know in real life in your reality unless your group should because it creates false memories

~You could use pictures of random people or a celebrity (even though you may create a one sided relationship with them, so make sure to note you wont get attached to them)

~Dont be afraid to make more than one script, and randomly add to it

☆𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠; 𝐚 𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤☆Where stories live. Discover now