Chapter 35

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Lia's POV

After wearing our clothes, ryujin kiss me again and again.

"I love you.."

"You're blushing" I said and laugh

She just pouted and cover her face with her palm. She's so cute! Look at this girly side of her!

"I love you.." I added and kiss her cheeks

She pull me for a quick hug and clasped our hands together. We started to walk back to the bar, but ryujin brought me to our van.

"I'll just get something for a moment" she said and get inside the van.

I look at the van and notice that the top of the van is lighted up with a lamp.

"Got it" she added and smile

She climbed up at the top and then assisted me as I follow her. When we are on top, the van is decorated with a carpet full of flowered petals around, there are pillows, can of coca colas and a one whole big pizza.

"Sorry, restaurants and other food place is already closed now" she said

I hug her by the side and smile "this is perfect"

We sit down and started to eat while looking at the ocean view. Ryujin open the cola's and brought it above.

"To my girlfriend" she said and gulp down the drink

Tss. She still didn't ask if I wanted to be her girlfriend. 


"I'm her girlfrieeeeendddd!" I shouted and also drink the coke straight

After that we start laughing and continue eating. Yuna will be so happy with this pizza!

"Let's bring some for the gang"

"Don't worry about it. I ordered many, it's in the car" she said and stuff herself with pizza

I wipe the mayo that is on the side of her lips and put her hair at the back of her ear.

"I think I will be spoiled too much" she said

"Pfft! You wish!" I responded and chuckle

After eating, ryujin stretched her arms and rest her head on my lap. She turn her body and now she is facing my tummy.

"You smell so good"

"Stop it ryujin!" I said and laugh

She's sniffing like a dog! And it's tickling me! What's up with her? She's so funny!

"Oh, it's tickling you huh?" she said while looking at me

"Oh no please"

"Oops" she responded and started sniffing my tummy again.

"P-pleas-e st-op!" I manage to say between laughs

"I can't hear you" she said while laughing

"S-TOP IT RYU-JIN" I said still laughing

She let out a chuckle and pull back away. I wipe the water that is on the side of my eyes. Oh my god. That really tickles me!

"Don't do that again" I said and softly smack her shoulders

She just stick her tongue out and laugh. She change her position and now she is facing back at the ocean.

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