Lagnarok vs Dawn

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"The. . . Uzukage?" Questioned Tsunade, crashing onto the ground. She panted as blood continued to drip down from her body. Naruto looked at Enryu.

"Today is the day you lose," said Naruto, activating his eternal Mangekyou Sharingan. It started to spin rapidly as Naruto walked towards Enryu. Until Enryu uses his Holy Blade, Naruto won't be using his own.

"Uzukage? What a joke.     That island was destroyed years ago," said Enryu, also walking towards Naruto's direction. He was so sure of his victory. He could feel it — even taste it.

The two got closer and closer, and their power ever so increased.


"We need to evacuate everyone from the medical wing!" Shikamaru yelled, looking up above and saw Onoki casting his eyes right below them all. "We don't have time!" He heard Ino yell back at him. They were in a very troubling situation.

"We have to or everyone will die!" Shikamaru moved backwards to dodge a kunai that was thrown right towards him. He gritted his teeth in annoyance. "How are we going to do that, though?!" Tenten questioned, jumping in the air.

"That. . . will be a difficult process," said Shikamaru, ducking down to avoid another dealing and hurtful blow. Onoki's eyes shadowed over the medical wing and everyone that was protecting it.

Dawn was being held in his hands as he floated right above them all. "What a pitiful sight," said Onoki, lifting the tiny arm that he was using to hold and wield Dawn. He readied himself to destroy bits and pieces of it with hardly any effort.

"Don't you think you're a bit too old to be wielding Dawn?" He heard right behind him. Onoki widened his eyes, attempting to move up higher into the air. Suddenly, lightning pierced the arm that did not have Dawn.

"Chidori Sharp Spear"

Sasuki was right behind him, her Curse Mark Level 2 form activated. "What do you say? Would you give me it? Surely you need a successor to wield Dawn; you're already at the end of your lifespan." Smirked Sasuki, turning off the thin and narrow spear of the Chidori.

"Like hell I will!" Onoki yelled, preparing himself to use the first move of Dawn. His face was full of anger; and that anger was directed towards Sasuki. "Geez, old man. You'll die faster if you act like that. Maybe you actually want to give me Dawn." Sasuki pulled out Lagnarok.

Two stared at each other while they floated/flew in the air. In a split second, the two appeared in front of each other and clashed their blades with strength unheard of. "Once I kill you, I'll take that blade right off your damn body," said Onoki, trying to dominate the battle.

"I could say the same thing you, senile old man." Responded Sasuki, also trying to dominate the battle with her skills. Onoki poured in chakra into the blade, increasing its power by tons. Sasuki widened her eyes and gritted her teeth afterwords.

45 percent. Sasuki thought, rivaling the power and magnitude of the Dawn. She wanted two outcomes during this fight.

1.) Kill Onoki and get Dawn from his rotting corpse.

2.) Make enough time for the others to evacuate everyone from the hospital.

"What's wrong? Can't handle the power of Langnorak — the weakest of the 5 blades? Sad." Sasuki provoked Onoki a tremendous amount every second that she talked. "Shut the hell up!" Onoki pushed out even more power into the blade.

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