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Everyone must know there can be only one Everything, one Prime Mover Unmoved, one Creator, one ultimate God, one infinite Mind which is the ultimate Source of everything. Let us presume that this Source, which somehow comprises its creation, contains and thus knows all that is. All time, all space, all thought.

Manifestly, then, it follows that you and I, all beings, and all that we can know, all that exists, exists in the mind of this infinite Source of Creation.

There can be no beginning, no end, no Alpha and Omega. There is simply All.

We can say that this Everything is God, and that within the mind of God are only God's thoughts, ideas. One small example of these ideas is me, my entire existence. Another such thought in the mind of God is you. As with all else that we know.

With that established, here is a story from a thought in the mind of God about what else may exist in that mind.

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